Woken early by my black dog
growling at another rabbit hole,
pulling at the leash to
dig out some sorrow or fear
to bring back home
and leave at my door.
And there it would stay,
if I were in charge.
But today my Ego stands
waiting for His treat and
carries it into my mind.
And there He starts his dissection.
Pulling apart the fresh, raw,
sinewy emo...
Wednesday 3rd November 2021 4:36 pm
I've Seen Miracles
I’ve seen miracles happen before my eyes,
witnessed empty souls become human again.
More than human, I’ve seen them struggle
and fight against an invisible,
yet all-consuming, foe. One who is
dark, deceptive, relentless and cruel.
I’ve watched them grow with a determination,
grace and humility unknown to the masses.
They have found new depths of consciousness
and un...
Thursday 30th September 2021 10:37 pm
A Game Of Chance
I put my head on the pillow and drift off….
Shiva sweeps aside the remnants of yesterday:
Gains, strivings, losses and ambitions
Clearing the table for tonight’s game
Flanked by greater and lesser angels and demons.
I’m lost in dreams while a silver ball spins against the
roulette wheel of my soul.
Each number an affection, a state of being
randomly selected for t...
Thursday 28th January 2021 9:17 pm
A Different Blue Monday
Blue is the train that Coltrane blew.
Blue is the Note that made dreams come true.
Blue is John Lee Hooker and B.B. King.
Blues are what made Billie Holiday sing.
Blue is the sapphire in a wedding ring.
Blue are the eyes that you lose yourself in.
Blue is the sky, blue is the sea.
Blue is the intensity of lapis lazuli.
Blue is the colour of the NHS,
Flashing blue lights ...
Monday 11th January 2021 10:44 pm
I know I’m frustrated.
I know I’m angry.
I don’t know why.
I know what to do
To try to quell it,
But for one reason
I don’t want to let it go.
I surround myself with
Loud noises and angry voices
Ride a wave of my own
Feather spitting.
And still I don’t know why,
I just am.
A vigorous scribble scratched
Inside my skull,
No end to pull at.
Friday 18th December 2020 3:56 pm
As Kamasi Blew
I was out walking today
Trying to clear my head
After a morning of too much study, Twitter
And coffee.
On the way to town, listening to jazz
I tried to slow down my mind
Counting flat, fallen autumn leaves
Making words from number plates
Avoiding kids on their bikes.
I came out of Boots with
My blue sweets for the weekend
And stopped for a double espresso.
Sunday 29th November 2020 8:52 pm
Looking from the other side of the mirror,
Seeing through dirty glasses,
There is something not real about this moment
Like looking at a reflection of a reflection of a reflection….
Something just undefinable,
A gap between my here,
And their here.
My now,
And their now.
So fine as to be invisible but so wide
That one is unaware of the other.
I’m existing in their ...
Friday 30th October 2020 11:36 am
Do you need someone?
On this World Mental Health Day
Does someone need you?
Friday 9th October 2020 8:54 pm
Irlen Syndrome
I thought I’d try reading again
But when my eyes scan across that off-white page
The words animate….
Slippery little
As I try focus on one,
The next j s l s in front of it
o t e
What I’m abo...
Sunday 4th October 2020 1:32 pm
Easy Fix
It was the sort of feeling
I always drank on:
Banging my head against a wall
Screwing myself into a ball
Wanting to shout out, to get away,
To calm my mind, a need to relax.
The easy fix that always works.
Flushing myself through with poison
Washing what’s inside away
To find myself in exquisite numbness.
Short term gain and long term pain.
Friday 2nd October 2020 4:40 pm
Mrs Smith
A pale face, dark eyes, an uneasy smile,
Surrounded by a mass of tangly black curls,
She sat in that circle
Unengaged, aloof, disruptive,
There for everyone else’s sake
But her own.
Trapped in a world by demons who
Would let her see another way
But kept her from it because
It wouldn’t serve their obsessive needs.
Within screaming distance but held behind thick glass,
...Thursday 27th August 2020 5:06 pm
Solid Ground
Still searching for that solid, centre ground.
Knowing that the only reliable thing
Is Unreliability
Just ain’t helping right now.
Eroded self trust is my foundation,
my bedrock, my stability.
And time and time and time again
The ever powerful waves of self doubt
Undermine and eat away
At what is supposed to be my touchstone.
No matter how quickly and steadf...
Monday 24th August 2020 2:22 pm
Negativity is not always overtly depressive,
Positivity is not always overtly happy.
Negativity eats away, piece by piece.
It hides in the banal.
Its disguised by layers of colour,
Noise, applause.
Negativity is drip fed, unnoticed.
The bland
The ordinary
The acceptable
Even the comfortable.
Negativity keeps you in your place,
Convinces you
Thursday 20th August 2020 10:52 am
The First Week
A solitary pigeon perches on a telegraph pole
And sings her call.
Other than that, the world is quiet.
The constant rush of rubber on tarmac
Has finally ceased.
Gone, the mechanical birds, bees and bugs
Filling the air with their droning busyness.
The warm wind has dropped,
Hushing the rustling.
And even the neighbourhood dogs respect the silence,
Sleeping soundly.
...Wednesday 19th August 2020 1:51 pm
This Developed Nation?
In this Developed Nation, a 19 year old woman sleeps in a bag in a door way.
In this Developed Nation, a working family of four relies on the local food bank.
In this Developed Nation, grandmothers live on a pittance and die lonely.
In this Developed Nation, my friends use drugs to fill a spiritual chasm.
In this Developed Nation, stateless refugees are kept in cages while process...
Wednesday 19th August 2020 11:44 am
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