The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

rhyme (Remove filter)


Lately I’ve been wondering, 

Wondering in the lowlands,

Lately I’ve been following,

Any star that shines,

Painfully I’ve swallowed,

Poisoned arrows that led me here,

They whispered dreams and virtue, 

Didn’t know it would crumble to tears.


I can’t help it,

Every man has felt it,

I’m alone,

Though you try to help me.


Where every map leads backward,


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Itchy eyes get claustrophobic
And crawl out of their cradle skin,
Down copper and carbon conductive tracks
That refract, through a Prism.
On through invisible fire walls of steel machines,
A thousand eyes, packed inside, one computer screen.

Crashing through Windows like sun light,
Juicing Apples, and goggling your Google Plus.
The paradime online, access anytime,
Free ride...

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When Obama goes to bed

When Obama goes to bed,
Before he rests his weary head,
Does he say a prayer for those,
His unmanned drones left comatose?

Does he shed a single tear,
As Palestinians live in fear?
Does he hear their cries and still,
Think collateral damage, is a necessary ill?

Does he talk to God, on sleepless nights,
They discuss Islamic rebels by candlelight.
Which freedom fighters ...

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Stop the cuts

Stop the cuts, and stop the closures,
Private companies, trying to own us,
Globalist profits, tax payer exposure,
Figures kept under wraps, like a banker’s bonus.
Stop the cuts, ‘cos they’re completely unfair,
There’s no need, for cuts to welfare.
Why not abolish Trident next year,
And concentrate on the families living in fear?
Struggling to pay the rent this month,
Feed your...

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When the dust and dirt

That lies on life's rugged road,

Gets displaced and dissipates

Under a titanic truckload.

When equal forces meet

They repeat, and unseat

Life's rhymic refrain,

Revolve and run on into a hurricane.


Forms a storm

That torments your brain.

Condensation collects like the pains.

White clouds turn to rain,

Floating far away,


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It's easier not to love

Sometimes it’s better when you don’t have to love,
Easier when she just doesn’t give a fuck,
She said I didn’t play the pornstar, and that’s a good start,
But tonight we’ll agree neither of us have a heart.
And like a weight that’s been relieved,
Like new lungs still waiting to breathe,
There’s no pressure, or so I made myself believe.
So in the morning you can just get up and lea...

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Support the troops

Support the troops they say, well I do,

When I stand here and tell you politicians real values,

Now how about some support from the government too?

The injured wait years for benefit payments to come through.

That's why there's soldiers sleeping on the streets of our cities,

Victims of war deserve more after those attrocites.


Support the troops, says Obama from the...

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Free Shaker Aamer

Free Shaker Aamer,

The last Londoner in Guantanamo

Ten years of detension,

Is where American taxes go.

Obama promised,

Said he'd let those people go

Just goes to show,

Doesn't matter which side of the coin you throw,

To torture with no charge, is where your taxes go.


Free Shaker Aamer,

Cos it's the right thing to do

Sign the petition,

If you...

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Shaker AamerGuantanimofreedomrhymepolitics

One for the couple at the back

Reflected in my beer

A face appears

That I haven't seen in years.


Says he's just had his heart broke,

So I offer him a smoke

And an attempt at a joke.


Through ambient amber hazes

We discussed the settled dust

And how we'd performed on our seperate stages.


How he'd backflipped

Into a basket,

That became a funeral casket.


I s...

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It’s not the same for banksters,

The real gangsters,

Never wind up in handcuffs.

Behind scandals, there’s board rooms,

And JP Morgan goons,

That don’t care if you choke on the fumes,

Of their cooperate joyriding,

As long as you keep abiding,


By standards they’d never live by,

Like eating a steak pie,

That’s 99 per cent horse and 1 per cent fly!


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politicsbanking crimesrhyme

Close calls and near misses

Close calls and near misses,

Is it really worth it for drunken kisses?

No, that’s just letting off steam, like when a kettle hisses, 

It’s the soul kisses that leave your brain in eclipses.


Remaniises, of what was once tender, 

Maybe it’s better to be drunk, so your mind doesn’t render

This kiss important, gets scrambled in the mental blender

So you can lie abo...

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real liferhymekisses

'Cos it's the ones that love you

'Cos it’s the ones that you love,
that will hurt you the most.
Sometimes you wish they’d die
Because you can’t get cut by a ghost.

But that’s the voice of a coward
Like Ben Burnanke infront of congress,
Complexed wrongness
Leads to bong hits.

I’ve walked several times,
To Hell and back,
Old flame and fiery tendrils appeal
When there’s a storm on your back.

I’ll ...

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