The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


I used to be a savior, always to the rescue,

Then I tumbled down a dry well,

On a vast land of seclusion

As people refused to pay their dues.


What do I see for miles and miles? 

An unending bed of gold dust;

I'm fighting through the wind of vile

Shivering with hunger and thirst


Suddenly, I spot two arms wide open,

In the squiggly vision of blur,

Perhaps he's...

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An Everlasting Ache

I had broken the invisible the bridge
That linked you to my soul,
Since the day you pushed me to the ridge
And told me “we wouldn’t last”.
It had been months since I thought of
“You and I” as one.
I was happy, I felt new!
Then I had a dream,
And it pulled me back to you.

You left without saying,
To a land of solitude,
From where uncertain was your return,
You left as you couldn’t bar...

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The Greatest Thing

You're my only guide
In the quiet, pitch darkness,
Whisper into my ears,
Ask me if you're my pride?
A thousand times over I'll say,
“Yes, you're the only one”

As unconscious about it you may be,
When I look into the mirrors now,
It is for you I’ve grown to be
What I’ve always aspired to see 

When calamity comes our way,
And you’re falling,
Deep inside you know, 
It is only m...

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lovethe greatest thing

Here is Me

Here is “Me”,

Caught up in the world of frenzy.

Where the spectrum of hopes

Is scattered immensely.

The colors they wanna see

I always fail to display

But now I know,

This is nothing but nature’s disdain play


They all want me to grow,

Want me to win the race.

But what they don’t know,

I have been stuck in this girth

They call “mother earth”



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