The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

nonsense comp (Remove filter)




Kushagarnie, kushagarnie

Baby on your mother’s knee

Kushagarnie, kushagarnie

Eating marmalade for tea.


Buy a rainbow for a penny

Tie it to a tumtum tree.

April showers for pretty flowers

Give them marmalade for tea.


Wrap the wind up in a wigwam

Till it blows a melody

Children dancing, horses prancing

After marmal...

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nonsense comp

The Agropuss


I thought I saw an Agropuss when I was out one day

The morning it was moisty as the clouds all surfed away

But it was not an Agropuss that caught my skandric eye:

A Blunderhound had chanced upon my path and loundly cried...


“Who dares to trip, this moisty morn, upon this field of mine?

I must insist – ‘No Tresspassers’” Did you not see the sign?

His jaungreen...

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nonsense comp

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