a photo of a closed-lipped smirk (12/31/2023)
worn smooth by the babble
the chuckling familiar notes
then folded out once more
like shared and scented laundry:
)avender sprigs; coffee tins
in high cupboards
used RVs
these textures live so close to me
a scrawl of shag carpets
finely raked
and gently oiled
dutch paneling
grasping lazily
halfway up
half way
to the walls of chil...
Sunday 31st December 2023 10:00 am
waxing (12/22/2023)
I can feel the moon filling
rising in my chest,
my throat
a grip:
a commanding brand
blinding and hot
pressing down on my chest
while my legs buck
on an operating table somewhere
then sated
by the cooling hiss
of oxygen
(or at least
that's what they told me
it was)
"You're not yourself, Paul"
a much shorter name than mine
and a bone saw plain
some numbing tune by th...
Saturday 23rd December 2023 2:19 pm
you were okay with that . (it's just a shower) 12/19/2023
by the flicker of my spark
by the cooling coals
beneath the hearth
by eyelids,
flittering then frozen still
where the snowflakes fall, today
where the Ash tomorrow will
our snuffed will lay to rest
a sediment of misspent youths
the rest will weigh fate's dander
o'er paths of long forgotten truths
brights buried
in moonlight
in alien sun in long-tread lost ways tr...
Tuesday 19th December 2023 3:39 pm
the body of a 43 year old man was found early Sunday morning, he died in his Irricana home, emergency services arrived on scene after neighbors (12/06/2023)
a distinctly ghoulish cry
of a pained dumbwaiter,
held on high
mournful howls
as I echo thru
a sickly ward
that wears my name:
flain heroes hung
all the same.
damned .
doomed .
drams of oily wick
sweat soaked and
fevered with a caffeine drip
fine-toothed powders, taken softly
in the study where I died alone
Wednesday 6th December 2023 12:43 pm
through a windshield (11-25-2023)
thru all the glue
filn history's glossy cracks
and all the pines
from wane to wax
we were(are, perhaps)
moonrise bent
lain with backs
pressed on tarmac
slid red, long
longer than we thought possible.
dream-licked heads
shattered and spread :
painted lines on painted lines
painted lines
down along this serpentine road.
without a motion ...
Saturday 25th November 2023 3:07 pm
soft; Amelia Earhardt 0837 (11/12/2023)
lain in, thinking about
the soft roll of hair and
gentle exhales and
soft, pressing folds
filled with tiny collapsing sounds
sighs, held on high
near imperceptible if not uttered
and deep down
and deep down
and deep down
like the brush
of my bones
where all the gaps between could disappear
where we don't need to know where one begins
or the other ends
Tuesday 14th November 2023 4:56 pm
wwC7 Amelia Earhart 0514 (10/28/23)
like a dipped oak
an aegis of honey-words
folded in layers
carefully made gifts
(tho hastily wrapped)
best taken while still soft
still hot
like candied ginger pressed
between lips parted in awe
in rapture
the steam of kitchens and
the drawing of breath
tumbling bedshapes
and knowable
like a waxen wood countertop
dangling incandescence
Saturday 28th October 2023 3:47 pm
faln (10/16/2023)
i wish the forests
could take me back
puln deep:
neath the shake of
the leaf
and ire
of the rhime
fed way
while my bones turn to rest
and my soul to the deep,
knowing spores
from death to the winds
carried high to the rains
again and again
again and again
again and again;
Monday 16th October 2023 8:46 am
vertebrae (10/15/2023)
when time pines,
it happens in a vacuum.
blue-lipped and ecstatic
coloring the automatic
raptures ruptured
and the bubbles burst
counting down 'forgive me nots'
and pick-up petals buy the hearse
and day dreams
teethmarks in the shape of you
pulling blind bridles
we'd ride thru
tl so much nothing
stretched before us
a skating rink of fate
Sunday 15th October 2023 11:05 pm
marlboro menthol (07/26/2023)
it's 12 degrees
and the marrow cools:
we catch --
breaths hitched
to a cataclysmic gait
a crooked pace:
while you wait
god's sticky magazines
pages pregnant
with guilt
the ilk of resplendent idleness
of abandonment
in this blind-eye of a city, turned
to rot, mitotic
a car crash of ashamed sex
but it's just too good
to be any other way .
Wednesday 26th July 2023 11:46 am
thoughts on piss christ and photography (06/21/2023)
consider these solipses:
measured, carried steeples
round a brined Mary
suspended in the plasma
of hapless, desperate donors
centrifugal refugees
all unknown behind glass
this is a king's country:
a throne grown too small
phagocyclic in the flesh
bedsores in the shape of sin
lead of goblets held within
my crucifix is a bullet
made from ...
Friday 21st July 2023 4:03 pm
leapt down
horse steppin automata
breaking guiding rails
and the groan of servos
to tilt skyward
a maw unanswered,
cloying the gods we might invent
dragged tablet-tonnes
in malcontent
what's worse
spit-wash the worth
in the hydraulic whine
drowned in the apathy
of deserts
of blowing grit
all until this body, unfit
and my light goes out.
...Monday 5th June 2023 6:30 am
karaoke 34
the see-thru states
of liminal infamy
"don't let me down"
sung in desperate drams
beacons prain
from a street corner
affixed and shorn and
snaggle toothed:
cleft palates and anaphylaxis
sanded down by time
into a shape something
much like mine
(too much)
please see me
but don't look;
a shared hypocrisy
wrung motes of p...
Monday 5th June 2023 6:28 am
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