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Local newspaper poems

Is it just the Liverpool Echo or are reader's poems in all local papers nearly always pretty awful? I prefer to encourage and don't like to criticise people who time and again are obviously sincere and have put their heart and soul into what they are writing. And it's not as if I'm writing great stuff myself. But what's in the paper here is usually pretty dire. Do the editors deliberately go for material with a high wince factor to attract attention? Or what else can it be attributed to?
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 12:23 am
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We don't seem to have any poems in our local paper at all. I think that most people think that "poetry" is exactly the type of stuff you describe. I think we may be sounding too judgemental, esp me as I have not seen the poems you mention, but I think that that is what most people think "poetry" is. When I tell aquaintances (not my close friends) that I write poetry I'm sure they think it's all moon and june stuff. "How lovely" they say. And so of course I don't show these people my poems because they'd be shocked by all the sex and swearing! ;-) But maybe you should send in a poem and see if they publish it? xx
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 06:05 am
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My local paper doesn't have a poetry section either, though it has the sort of tone which suggests it should! it does however have a lovely parenting column (coughs and blushes). I sometimes submit to Newsbiscuit - a spoof news website, and once subbed a Poetry Corner type poem, as written by a very elderly alter ego who is a stalwart of the local W.I. and who had written a poem about the birdies visiting her garden. it was purposely excruciating in a lavendar scented over rhyming way and mentioned God in his heaven and stuff and bizarrely, poeple loved it and though some correctly identified it for a spoof, someone said it should be entered for a competition (believe me, it SO shouldn't.) I was bemused because I'd assumed that other frequenters and contributors were as cynical as me, nowt so queer as folk eh?
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 08:46 am
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dave, it has its own site where you can leave feedback !

In a place like L'pool which has loads of writers, why is it so dire (if it is)? Come on scousers get submitting. Win
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 08:55 am
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Only you could get up to something so mischevious Rachel - you'll have to post it on WOL - you might get a great reaction...

Our free rag doesn't hava a poetry section. I do remember someone winning a poetry competition in it though. I think it might have been to do with remembrance day. It was pretty gruesome - as in crap - rather than bloody.

I also find the poetry that people put in obituary columns really dire. I know I'm wrong to comment on it - but I would really like to be remembered with subtlty and originality. Poems of that nature seem to hang around the same old cliched rhymes. Perhaps Julien could run a course on the poetic form of writing a good obituary...
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 08:59 am
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I think that "normal" people i.e. those that don't attempt to write poetry, might be a bit scared of it if it does not sound familiar. God, I sound arrogant again! A bit like people who feel threatened by modern art and say "I know what I like". But of course they mean "I don't like this modern rubbish". And of course we are all entitled etc. etc., but it would be good to give people the choice.
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 09:02 am
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Thanks Isobel, one day I'll tell you about when I rang up a local radio phone in as the aged alter ego and grotesquely over-shared because she 'didn't know she was on air' that WAS a hoot!
I'm with you entirely on the obit. poems by the way.
I just had a root through Newsbiscuit but I think they've got rid of the older stuff now...shame, it was truly vile!
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 09:04 am
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There you are Isobel...found it!Enjoy!

Glenys Wilson: Ode to Winter
This month's poetry corner winner is Mrs.Glenys Wilson of Castle Lane Garstang who was inspired by the view from her window to pen this little gem!

Ode to Winter

I sit with my tea and I look at the birds.

I think they must be very cold.

How lucky am I, to be safe and warm.

Although my bones are old.

God in his heaven must look down daily,

and see his poor creatures, whether feathered or not.

And see how they manage, how slowly and frailly,

whether creatures or humans, white, black or whatnot.

I thank you then Lord, for my seat by the garden.

I thank you then Lord for my blanket and tea.

I pray you look after us, begging your pardon,

That when my rest comes I can spend it with thee.


In addition to writing poems for her friends and family, and thankfully, sharing them with us occasionally, Glenys is a keen member of Phoenix WI and founder member of The Scorton Scribes.
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 09:25 am
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The funny thing is Rachel, that I quite like the poem too. I can understand why some people didn't realise it was a spoof. There is a kind of charm about it. Perhaps if you are an intrinsically good poet, it will shine through a little, no matter how you try to disguise it.
Sat, 6 Mar 2010 10:37 am
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I don't rigorously check out every single Echo poem. But Rachel's is better than any of them which I've clocked so far, though some of them have the same general twee approach.
The paper must get positive feedback or they wouldn't run the feature. Guess it says something positive about Liverpool that it exists at all given others' experience. The obituaries here do sometimes have verses but they are usually short and stylised

Must look at the link which Win has kindly provided.
Sun, 7 Mar 2010 11:34 pm
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