The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 03:33 pm and http://www.pepperstykalabi.hi5 and

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Abi is a Nigerian writer, based in Bolton. She writes short stories and poetry. Presently slowly working on a novel. The two plays she has written have been performed back in Nigeria. Performances in Nigeria have been with a lot of collaboration with the British Council, Alliance Francais and the Goethe Institute. She has been published in a couple of anthologies like "A Melody of Stones", a PEN Nigeria publication; "25 Nigerian Women Writers", published by Ishmeal Reed and the "Okike" journal, edited by Chinua Achebe and Nigerian Newspapers. Since she became a member of Write Out Loud, She has been involved in a lot of readings and performances from pubs and schools to prison in the North-West. Presently touring under sponsorship with the Love versus Lust group through the North West. She also does some music, she has recorded two singles with private producers and voice-overs, having done work with Cath Nichols and Julian Jordon on BBC Lancashire, so she is available for hire! Recently, her work has been published in the Bolton based University magazine 'Textyle' and she has performed at the Malaika's Kitchen sponsored Apples and Snakes event 'Brothatalk, Sistaspeak' in London.Her work will also be featured in the Commonword anthology to be published in 2008. She is presently working on a multi media project called 'Losing Jack and Jill' "[Abiodun Idowu's poems do] not fall into the place of confessional poems as she is much more interrogative than squealing every of her, is and was. I find her poems largely introspective, somewhat like the poetry of Sylvia Plath. Biodun's experiences – observed and personal, shows inquisitions into existence and essence. Her poems are a reminder that beneath the pretence we do have hot blood. She is experimental also."-Jumoke Verrissimo-Author of I Am Memory "Abi is a great poet who can hold an audience completely in her spell" Paul Blackburn of Write Out Loud "...Abi is not only a brilliant bard but has an intriguing style of singing. Her haunting voice caressed us with ‘Our Souls’...she then declares ‘everyone loves a lover. As long as I’m lost in his embrace I am one of them’ – a deeply moving poet who touched our hearts when she told us Write Out loud was like ‘a bigger better family’-Sandre Clays "Abi is a young, bold, emerging voice that delights in the confessional. Her poetic landscape is the land of everyday experiences. Nothing is sacrosanct. This is poetry to take with you for the road, to lead you in dreams as you travel mile after mile. Abi’s work promises unpredictable adventures. I look forward to her first book." Toyin Adewale-Gabriel. Editor 25 Nigerian Women Writers, Published by Ishmael Reed Publishing. USA “For me the joy of Abi’s poetry is two-fold. Firstly she has such a velvet voice that captivates the audience and holds their attention quietly. Then, when you start to really listen to what she’s saying, to hear her words and appreciate her writing she gets to you all over again – a double-whammy. She’s the best definition of ‘buy one get one free’ that I can think of. I love the poem that begins something like ‘I wish I could take your smell and bottle it’. I wish I’d written it. It’s magic.” - Hilary Walker. Co-winner Liverpool WOL slam 07 "Abi Idowu is a writer with a warm personality who communicates this in performance. She is an intelligent and adept story-teller, with a wonderfully rich voice - a joy to listen to."- Cath Nichols-Poet -Tales of Boy Nancy "Abi's performances resonate with the insight of her words and the melodies of her voice. Together they evoke the timeless traditions of our aural heritage in an empathic expression of modern life. Mesmorising and memorable."-Anwen Lewis- Composer, Poet, Performance Artiste "an absolute delight to watch and a joy to listen to, she connects with your deepest thoughts and oozes empathy as she draws you in with her sound and soothes, she can be heard all night long" MisMash "The first time I met Biodun Idowu, I noticed that she was just so full of warmth and sunshine and that endeared her not just to me but a lot of folks in the writers community.Aside this, I have so much confidence in her writing. I think she is one of the young Nigerian writers to watch. Above all else, Biodun is multitalented-she is a writer ,an actress,a designer and also a singer. I just know... that this is one lady who combines beauty and brain very well." Angela Nwosu- Poet "Abi Idowu pours words over an audience with the slow, sweet promise of molasses. Watch, listen, wait. Few can resist." Tony Walsh- Slam Winning Performance Poet


An excerpt from her coming novel "Losing Jack and Jill" I jumped up ‘don’t call me love! I want to be rid of this. Every time I come, you have a reason not to put me on the list; I’m starting to think you’re enjoying this’. “Ah now, don’t say that. I honestly feel your situation but I must follow the rules. Left to me you are well over due” ‘Then tell them your opinion. Tell them I’m running mad with the wait. Tell them now and I promise I’ll lose the point before next week.’ I was desperate now and tears and snot were running down my face, but I couldn’t be embarrassed. This man knew my body better than some lovers I’ve had, so there was nothing to hide. “You see, I would love to do that, but the rules won’t allow me. I really think we need to work out a strategy because I won’t want you to get drastic with losing the weight…” As soon as the words dropped from his lips, I knew it was a waste of time, so I picked my bag and walked out leaving him with his words. They held no meaning to me anymore, the nurse tried to stop me but I just brushed past her and got out. I went home and started cooking. I made a greasy sauce and poured it over pasta, grated a thick layer of cheese and I ate. I pushed everything through my collapsed stomach and felt it stretch and I pushed in more, I am dying, slowly and its starting to feel good. I’m standing by the kitchen sink not bothering to sit as I push the food into my mouth. I see my large knife and I grab it and pull off my shirt, rip off my underwear and quickly slash, the pain pierces my head and my hand starts to shake, I try to slash again but my boldness has deserted me. He. Poet- Dike Omeje You told us You told us In ringing tones Steady beats as your voice trailed Over our skin, our ears, minds Your words, philosophical, lyrical, true In the midst of laughter and rain So many starless nights You told us But you never uttered a word. You knew You knew as We walked the town of a million mirrors Clinked glass, clicked shots Smiled and said ‘cheese’ for the camera You let us take memories in any form That we pleased Silent in your pleasure, We would go back to remember You knew But you let us go on in our ignorance. Now we know Questions crowd my mind Did you groan with pain at night? Far from our questing intrusive eyes Far from our glances that rapidly turn From curious to shocked to pity Did you hate the thought that we Could love or hate you differently If we had that emotion to link to you Is that why you were silent? Were you shrouded with your own agony? Shuddering in stolen silences you got Cursing the demon that ate within you Yet using the same to bring out a power We marvelled at every time Did you hope for a salvation? Or were you just determined to be remembered For how you lived and died With the stubbornness of the strong. Questions, dear sage Inquire how you faced the hooded one Did you fight when his cold hands Clamped around your heart Or did you bare your chest, Invited him to plunge his knife Facing him like a lion Did you still have anything else to say? Or had you made your peace Knowing ‘come what may’ Did memories cloud your glazing eyes? And voices speak to be heard Or was all calm, silent, letting you walk The mirrored river in dignity To that cold embrace. Did you struggle to breathe just one more time? Or did you sigh with relief This war, no more to fight Whatever way you went, brave one It won’t diminish that you lived A strong man and died A courageous one. Bard with the ‘come hither’ eyes You have closed them, one final time Your voice ebbs and fades Our ears tuned to hear the echo as it falls You have walked the road of the elders Kissed the feet of the shrouded one Held his hand and danced in time Not this lifetime again to meet But while you were here, you made clear You wrote, you spoke, you. Poet. Adieu Dike Omeje 12/01/07- silent at the steps Frog The long throated one thinks his greed is a show of wealth! Ha! Bloated frog that burps the loudest some flies are not for eating! Didn’t anyone ever tell you amidst your gloating colony where you preen the praying mantis is no saint he is just saying grace. Beware, soul brother the very melodies you lull yourself to sleep with could be the dirge that precedes you to the waking call softly roll your eyes around that table it is not every bug that the frog swallows sometimes strange but true sometimes, he closes his bulging eyes and prays that grace passes him by

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Abi

Mantra (21/08/2008)

Fourth (18/08/2008)

Bus Rage - A short story (13/08/2008)

DAI BREATHE (21/07/2008)

Blog link:

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Tue 18th Jan 2011 15:35

Thank you for your kind messages, so sorry that its taken such a long time to get back, please charge it to my mind and not my heart. I wish you a very happy new year

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Sat 27th Dec 2008 13:44

very pleased to make your virtual Acquaintance Abi

steve : )

<Deleted User>

Thu 14th Feb 2008 14:34

Hello My Gorgeous Abi,
Happy Valentines Day my darling - how are you? I miss you lots and lots and hope to see your beuatiful smile in the flesh very soon.
Love you my honey.

<Deleted User>

Sat 28th Jul 2007 21:34

oops I've done it again!

Hello to the beautiful Abi and may I say what a joy it is just to be in your presence, but to have the pleasure of seeing you perform and to hear your beautful hypnotic voice entrancing us into your enchanted world is wonderful. Much love and laughter to you my friend.

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 1st Jul 2007 14:51

Good luck today at Hebden Bridge. I know you will give an inspired, formidable and moving performance. Best Wishes, Moxy

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sun 24th Jun 2007 16:35

Congratulations on your M.A.! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

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