The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.


In December 2010, I published my first collection, "Through the Looking Glass" (Brimstone Press). My second collection "Ventriloquist's Dummy" has just been published by Lapwing, and is on sale both in print and a pdf at: A review is at: Samples below


The Wrong Kind of Deafness for Judy Sanderson You have "the wrong kind of deafness." When you listen to the famous you can hear the lies but not the low warm tones that gets us to buy them. When you walk down the street you can hear the shriek of brakes but not the crump that means it's all over. When you sit in the garden you can hear the silly conversation of sparrows but not the amorous dove. You have the wrong kind of deafness said the consultant who meant you had the kind he couldn't help with. So, when the man next doors whistles you can hear him again and again and again but not the curse that says stop. When angels sing you join in, for the whinges of bloody men come through clear but not your friends when they laugh. Meaning well, the doctor said you had the wrong kind of deafness. Do you think he heard what he'd just said? 23rd August Yes; thought flows onto a page with feeling's colour: pink as a child's breath flavoured with strawberry ice-cream; umber as old shoes walked in too far to be thrown away; ice-white martini and soda that June afternoon when we reinvented love. I remember one July evening: shadow under a garden table; cupboard where your clothes hang in the dark; blinds drawn in coaches travelling across continents discovered in each other - my fingers touching under your hair as you slept. There'll be an end to saying, but not to silence: blackbird, who vanishes from this year, concluding your evening remarks; plane, beating gravity with noise heading south to join your companions in the sky's attic; you, restless, moving from room to room, between chairs' creak. What happens in a house every night when we fall into sleep at last? That August day, you and I, your last intelligible words running out, sat quiet holding hands listening to the everlasting silence between our breaths. Talking Shop for Noel Whittall 'when the Perkins diesel ran smooth calm on the summit line …' (Emma-Jane Arkady) You have engines, my friend does bikes, I buy lenses, cameras, that nicely coiled cord permitting a flash to be used 'off-shoe' up to three feet. Not secret but public sects, clues visible - a 'G10' hung round my neck; audible, a word - 'Perkins' perhaps, heard across a room through noise. We have our secret knowledge others overhearing (likely bored), can't join in with: "isn't that the one with…", "talk to Joe in Halesworth…" A nuance of kit, love of intermediaries giving a human superhuman powers, we build well our other families, of wheels, boilers, sensors, that have their generations: World War One bikes, the 'EOS5D Mark II' - the latest thing, for now. These carry us through the seasons: warm days, showery Sundays, old tyres on wet lanes, images of flushed uncles tactfully deleted. Litanies are heard: that, like litanies, never wear out with saying, but echo more; wheels of locomotives: 0-5-0, 2-4-4.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Big Sal

Sun 6th Jan 2019 18:59

Best of luck with your books.

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Tue 17th Jan 2017 23:45

just a quick thank you for your constructive and pertinent observations last night on Fox Tor Mire David.(Send) You know how it is, I burrowed into it today and made quite a few alterations which I think have improved the poem.

Yours in humility, Ray !

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Tim Ellis

Thu 17th Sep 2009 22:25

Thanks for putting my show on the gig guide, David. Map too! Nice to see you last week.


<Deleted User> (5646)

Sun 5th Jul 2009 23:21

Hi David,
thankyou very much for the pictures. Can you find one with no shadows?
Thankyou for the offer to send a cd. It really is very kind of you.

I've been reading your poems here and enjoyed them. They feel light hearted and 'uses of summer' heartfelt. You should treat us to more soon. :-)


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Alvin Culzac

Thu 12th Mar 2009 12:11

Hi David
Thanks for inquiring about my gig at Bar-Blue, St. Leonards. It is still doing well and attracting mostly Singer-Songwriters previewing their new material. I am airing some of my new songs as well.

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Pete the Temp

Mon 9th Mar 2009 13:28

Hi David, The poetry open mic is the first Monday of each month. there is no amplification or pre booking and it is fairly laid back. Just turn up.

<Deleted User> (4496)

Tue 17th Feb 2009 10:06


'Uses' is absolutely one of my favourites too so thanks for enjoying it.

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Louise Fazackerley

Mon 16th Feb 2009 22:25

really enjoyed your 'uses of summer'. i thought it clever and i liked how it propelled me on through different scenes, different times. and it's good to read something with a perspective that does span a few ages- it makes me feel like i've got things to learn from life x

<Deleted User> (4496)

Wed 12th Nov 2008 08:22


Thanks for this appreciation. Enjoyed writing 'Uses of Summer' and reading it out. But editors of magazines find it too risque!

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John Darwin

Mon 10th Nov 2008 16:56

David, really enjoyed reading your stuff, particularly 'the uses of summer' - evocative, neatly written and amusing.


<Deleted User> (4496)

Wed 25th Jun 2008 23:22

Darren - thanks for these kind words: hope we finish up at the same gig so we can have a word

darren thomas

Fri 20th Jun 2008 14:34

Hello David - occasionally, i will trawl through the 300+ members of this site and dwell on a poet's work. Having now dwelled for far too long, i would just like to say how much i enjoyed reading your work.

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