The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 03:28 pm


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situation creates my experience. experience provoke emotions emotions bottled up, hard times finding the expression found my way through words.


Fabulous and flamboyant is what's makes you amazing Everything you do got me so frenzy seem so flawless to me that I see no imperfection about you Feels like God made you specially just for me? Your beauty ever radiant,even when you think you not beautiful,it remains ever glowing like my love for you ?. When you smile my heart skips a beat Been in your presence feels like I am with an angel ? whose smile captivates my soul ​

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by ShalomP

REFLECTION (02/11/2020)

PERSPECTIVE (02/11/2020)

 MANIA II (02/05/2020)

MANIA I (02/05/2020)

SUN(Yellow) (02/05/2020)

RED (02/05/2020)

VANILLA (18/03/2019)

TEARS. (26/12/2018)

5.26(Last Rodeo) (28/08/2018)

DESIRE (04/07/2018)

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Don Matthews

Thu 20th Jun 2019 13:41

I like the thoughts in your bio

Big Sal

Wed 29th Aug 2018 18:37

Thanks for the comments and likes.?

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keith jeffries

Thu 5th Jul 2018 09:45

Thanks for commenting on two of my recent poems. I really appreciate it. You are also gifted. Please write more from the heart because that is poetry lies.

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keith jeffries

Wed 4th Jul 2018 09:01

Hello Shalom P,
Welcome to Writeoutloud. I look forward to reading more of your verse.

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