The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 29 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Tracey Bucknell

Updated: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 02:02 pm

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I'm a lady of a certain age and have been writing short stories and poetry since i was a girl ( I've alway's been a girl ) I perform my offerings at different local events, and in 2019 i was proud to have 3 poems published , i plan to publish my first book this year and am very excited .


The Memorial. by Tracy Bucknell on Saturday, 5 November 2011 at 16:04 . I sat beneath your majesty, pondering my intent, perusing the shadows of your sacrifice, weighing the balance of hero's, against my upcoming event. As I sat in morose contemplation, of the dilema I did face, and read the names of those sacrificed, so I could make choices in this way. I wondered if you'd diiberated before you went to war.. if you'd looked around you and wondered, what was it all for ? how many people would understand the meaning of your life ? and weigh the balance of family, love and eternal strife. and wether if you'd never gone, would you still be with your wife ?. I contemplated ages when marriage was for life. I envisioned you in blood filled fields,where now the poppies grow and wondered if in years to come , would anyone ever know.... how on the eve of my wedding day, as I sat in contemplation, I thanked you for the life you gave, and embraced my destination.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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chris yates

Sun 26th May 2013 19:50

Hi Tracey finally found you, love the quiet contemplation, and the deep thoughts that this poem evokes, was he in some way related is this your great grandad ?
Looking forward to hearing you perform.
Christine xx

tony sheridan

Thu 28th Mar 2013 17:12

Hi Tracey!! Only just found your page. As Jeff said.........about time!! Will read your work soon. Looking forward to seeing you read at the cadence!! Take care, Tony.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 6th Feb 2012 17:11

Ta for the positive feed-back Trae..I have been a bit up and down lately and I guess it is gonna show in my here as Ann says to post one at a time coz we only really see the last post unless peeps click on your links..its a good site Trae..once you have sorted how to navigate the bugger lol x oh and welcome!!

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tracey bucknell

Sun 5th Feb 2012 13:42

Thanks Andy :) i hope you like them xx

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Andy N

Sun 5th Feb 2012 13:22

Welcome onboard, Tracey.. i look forward to reading these when i can x

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tracey bucknell

Sun 5th Feb 2012 12:21

Thank you jeff :) i finally got around to setting up my account, i hope you like them x

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tracey bucknell

Sun 5th Feb 2012 12:19

hiya Ann, thank you for your feedback :)no i don't mind you saying :) i thought i'd post a few of my works just to put a selection there before i add anymore. i hope you enjoy reading them x

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Jeff Dawson

Sun 5th Feb 2012 11:44

Hi Tracey, welcome to WOL, about time! Nothing like starting with an explosion of poems on the site, will have a read later although I recognise some of the titles! Jeff X

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Feb 2012 09:30

Hi Tracey - welcome to WOL. I see you've braved the blogs! I think poems on the blog section get more individual attention if you post one and give it a chance to sit there for a while, and hopefully get some comments, before you post the next one. Hope you don't mind me saying - it's up to you of course :)

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