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Letters prey

On my mind

Hear them drip

Blip, blip, blip

Capillary creeping, seeping

Through cracks

And grating

On my nerves


Slipping under the door

Across the floor

Avoid the eyes,

The jays,

The whys the wherefores

Silent letters, Greek letters

Uniform and cuneiform

Catalan and Occitan

With accents from beyond the grave;

Rivuletters running, swarming

Merging, word pools forming

Acronyms and synonyms

Filling up my cell;

Type face, lower case

Seeking, finding, filling space;

Words are raining down

Rising up

Tidal sap

Up the walls

Brick by brick

The thick meniscus crawls;

Kind words, harsh words

First words, last words

Long words, solemn words

Watchwords, passwords

Words of wisdom

Words of warning

Parachuting, pouring, storming;

Try to call out

..but the words won’t come

Still the words come

Lexicon waves

In my face

In my space

I am the word


◄ Stiff letter to the FA Premier League

I Wrote a Line (with apologies to Johnny Cash) ►


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Cate Greenlees

Fri 7th May 2010 17:36

Clever! The worst time is when they crawl across your consciousness when you`re asleep and the little buggers wake you up with their insistence that you write them down....
Cate xx

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Thu 6th May 2010 12:33

I thought your title was a comment about the number of blogs going up for a moment...
Another great poem - amazing what one little word can turn into. This reminds me a bit of your blue poem which I liked a lot. It should perform well.

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