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Free time

Now that i've got some time to myself
i might sit down, read a book off the shelf.
Now that i've got some time just for me
i might relax with a nice mug of tea.
Now that i've got some time going spare
i might go to town and sort out my hair.
Now that i've got some time to kick back
i might call some friends and have a good chat.
Now that i've got some time up for bidding
i might, oh forget it, who am i kidding?
it's time to get sorted, the house is a tip,
it's got to be done, i can't let it slip.
Beds to be tidied and windows to clean,
floors to be polished and all things between.
The laundry has doubled since yesterday
and the oven is filthy (i spilled creme brulee!)
I might as well start before they come home,
get it all done so they cannot moan.
Where is my jumper? Where is my book?
Half of the time they don't bother to look.
Under the sofa or under the chair,
wherever they left it, they think it's still there.
Now that i've got some time to myself,
i might say 'screw it, they can do it theirself'.

◄ Avon calling.

Silver spring ►


<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 17th May 2010 13:07

OH! get you!poshnobs! creme brulee! was is that Kath? or should I say Mrs Bouquet? haha! does it come in plastic tubs to pour water on? gizzuz some! also-where do you leave time for all the fancy men(like me-NOT!)just having a jest in me 'owd string vest.keep happy,chick-Stefan-x

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Dave Bradley

Mon 17th May 2010 12:00

Enjoyed this Kath, keep 'em coming.

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Andy N

Mon 17th May 2010 08:15

Close to a bit of prose or a diary entry this, kath but i like the way it develops and i am sure we can all agree it on the last line! lol

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