The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


forget the soul
forget the insight
forget the deeply sensitive understanding
of nature ,
of universe and
of god

i want
want something new
a romance
hearts and flowers
and fuck off big diamonds

enough to decorate a tit or two
glinting in my solar powered lights
reflections of my jealous green eyes

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Wed 2nd Jun 2010 10:34

due to popular demand :) well ian :) i have put the tit back

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Cate Greenlees

Fri 28th May 2010 00:29

Sounds good gal... Im partial to the odd diamond or two{or three} myself!
Cate xx

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Anthony Emmerson

Thu 27th May 2010 23:39

Hi S.C. (I wasn't sure if it was Shoeless, or Carole - or both)

Thanks for visiting "Neil" and your comments.

I looked at this earlier but didn't have time to comment - and now notice (as others have) that you have exchanged boobs for bivouacs (prefer boobs myself, but then I would, I'm a bloke!)

Like the chap visiting the shrink who told him, "Doctor, some days I think I'm a tepee, others I think I'm a marquee."
" I see the problem" said the Doc, "You're simply too tense."

Wear those rocks with pride!


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Gus Jonsson

Thu 27th May 2010 22:26

No mention of sex Carole.... save the reference to sexual intercourse and size ....

Quote - 'and fuck off big diamonds'

Mmmmmmm... it always comes down to the same old issues...

Wonderful poem!!

Gus xx

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Thu 27th May 2010 00:41

thing is ladies , you both know darn well that isnt who i am , it might be who i aspire to be :) but its not how it is
yes chris , you are right tent :)

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Chris Dawson

Wed 26th May 2010 23:39

You've changed your tent - you need more diamonds for a tent than a tit ... well perhaps not in my case ... I don't own a tent. :)
Love it.

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Wed 26th May 2010 22:43

Sounds like you've got your priorities right LOL - if he has a brother, do introduce me!

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