Ton Of Bricks
It hit me like a ton of bricks
the news that I had the big C
it was too much all at once
the doc describing the condition
and all that went with it
the tests
the lab
the hospital stay
the length of radiation
the therapy
the constant back and forth
between doctors and tests
it was all too much
my head got light
I felt chills
my whole life turned upside down
everything I had known before
was no more
yet I had no choice
it was going to happen
whether I liked it or not
and so here I am now
a cantankerous curmudgeon
with portfolio of poems
still the best remedy
for this old wrinkled soul
my ton of bricks grown lighter
with the medicine of words.
M.C. Newberry
Sat 29th Aug 2020 15:29
It is an affliction that many live with. My sister is currently undergoing
regular immunotherapy sessions - set to last for a few years it seems,
but they are the new highly regarded treatments and, if nothing else,
they get her out of the house under prevailing lockdown conditions!
Diet and getting the body to gear up its defences appear to be of
rising importance in combating the big C. Apropos - sending regular
reinforcements to man the body's barricades and see off the invader.