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The Don't Do List


They say you should make

a To Do List

to keep organized and

to make sure you accomplish

certain tasks for any given day


For instance

I know I got a lot done yesterday

I just don't remember

what it was


I try to make a To Do list

but then I can't remember where

I left the list


and even if I find the list

I find it much too difficult

as there is always more to do

then there is time

to do it


I think they should come up with

a Don't Do List

which would be easier

for people like me


Once you Don't Do something

you check it off

as done.






<Deleted User> (13740)

Sun 20th Dec 2020 19:42

So true at our ages dearest but we are young at heart. X

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 19th Dec 2020 16:48

Brilliant (or did I already say that?)

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Sat 19th Dec 2020 13:30

Ah but then I'll have done everything on my Don't Do list in the first few seconds of not doing anything, I'd have to make another list or use photo-copies and I could get through dozen's of Don't Do lists and still have a lot of day to spare.

How about a Don't Do list which you only tick off at the end of the day if you spent the whole day not doing the things on the list?

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Ghazala lari

Sat 19th Dec 2020 13:09

Prioritize your work in a descending order in your to do list.

Mental mapping is beneficial too.

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