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Marriage Vows


First they meet

then they fall in love

then they marry and

then a family comes along

then the kids grow up and

have kids of their own

and so it goes

seasons pass, life continues

when people meet

sparks fly and a connection occurs

the objective is to form a more perfect union and

collaborate in the pursuit of happiness

to make a life together

it's a natural inclination from the beginning of time

all seek a mate, a companion

and the true wisdom of marriage

becomes clear as they age

it is a comfort to share all that can be shared

two people

building a life

taking on risks and responsibilities

helping each other

united in common effort

making decisions for the family

making memories along the way

basking in the pleasure of seeing

their children mature and become successful

seeing their grandchildren grow and thrive

and marriage, while imperfect

is ever so much better than living solely for oneself

knowing that there is someone who truly loves you,

blemishes overlooked, mistakes forgiven,

and then as the years roll by

they learn the true essence of the contract

the beauty of having someone know them intimately

with all their foibles and curious traits

the reward becomes more evident as years accumulate

understanding increases

respect grows

the marriage bond becomes ever stronger

and in the end they will have accomplished much together

will have truly become the embodiment

of those eternal words

"To have and to hold from this day forward,

for better for worse, for richer for poorer,

in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,

till death do us part".



◄ Teeter Totter

Hospital Gowns ►


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M.C. Newberry

Mon 26th Apr 2021 16:26

The strength of commitment and belief is evident.
To each their own, in the hope that it works.

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keith jeffries

Mon 26th Apr 2021 15:26

A poem soaked in wisdom and the commitment of two people which validates the sacrament of marriage. Every word speaks volumes of how to be in love through the various stages of life.
Thank you for this


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Mon 26th Apr 2021 13:18

How nice when it ends up that way ?

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