Navigate the oceans of your love
Crossing the deserts that rain from above
Leading my heart to a life far beyond
Time and space never dreamed of or planned
Floating on wings that unfold as we talk
In delicate whispers that shadow our walk
Our echoes ascend, absorbed by the sun
And return with the truth reborn as we run
Embraced by a feeling that we both belong
To a world of our own of dancing and song
Sheltering us from the storm that rages
Outside of our lives in the books other pages.
Shrouded in peace as we lie side by side
In a shadowy warmth within which we hide.
Protecting us both as we were before birth
From the winds that blow and rage round our earth
15/01/2022 00:00-00:15
Pete (edbreathe)
Sat 15th Jan 2022 15:51
That’s very kind of you , thanks 🙏