The Piano
She returns to what was once her home
now a shadow of how it used to be
A scene of war ravaged destruction
devastating and traumatic to see
She steps over once prized possessions
which now lay broken and scattered around
Doors which have been ripped from their hinges
now lie strewn haphazardly on the ground
Besides the shattered, blown out windows
and surrounded by internal debris
A dusty, yet pristine white piano
stands solid, upright and blemish free
She sweeps away the fragments of dirt
takes a seat on the stool and starts to play
For a moment she escapes this world
as the music carries her far away
We witness these emotional scenes
which beg the questions, what is it all for?
Could there be anything more senseless
than this vile, ruthless, despicable war?
Stephen Gospage
Tue 15th Mar 2022 18:08
Yes, this is special and humbling, Julie.