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The pocket book with its red cloth cover

well thumbed by a neighbour's hands

offered self improvement of a spiritual nature

via prayer and procedure, hymns,

holy etiquette in a cruel world. 

If proof of this condition was needed it was evident

from its cursory disposal in a skip

by her grandson after her husband had died. 

Inside the cover in enthusiastic biro script was:

"To Mrs Binfield on her confirmation

in St. Andrews Parish Church Farnham

on December 3rd 1950 by the Lord Bishop

of Guildford" - then - "fight the good fight."


Now it lives in pious obscurity on my shelf

like a soul saved from a fate the equal of death. 





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Mon 2nd Jan 2023 10:28

Thanks Graham, it seems to hit some spot with the readers. Have a great year too.

A good point Uilleam, the object seemed so vulnerable I was attracted to it! Somehow very personal.

Thanks Stephen, exactly so.

Your poetic comment is welcome Mark. It takes a sentimentalist like me to save a soul!

Keith, I know you are committed to greater ideals, and this small token does find a way to comfort . It amazes me how small the script is, yet how vital.

A nice comment Helene thank you. I did feel compelled to rescue the book; her husband was a lovely guy - it seemed it was the least I could do.

In addition, thanks as always for your likes, Frederick, Colin, Holden and your Royal Poetess.


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Sat 31st Dec 2022 17:19

Yes, like Graham & the others, I found this to be a powerful poem. Really vivid imagery & deep sentiment. Like Uilleam points out, so so different from tech devices. I suspect Mrs. Binfield would have a pleased smile on her face to see her little prayer book rescued & cherished. Well done Ray & thank you!

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keith jeffries

Sat 31st Dec 2022 17:05

I have one almost identical but with a blue cover dated 1960
"Be a good soldier" was taken from the lesson for the day..
Hold onto it Ray

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 31st Dec 2022 15:45

A timely theme for the arrival of a New Year when we are
exhorted "Out with the Old/ In with the New".
Passed - but not handed on
Its journey focusses thoughts upon
A move that guarantees an existence
Continues through humane persistence.

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 31st Dec 2022 14:35

Glad to see that you saved it, Ray, even if it does live in 'Pious obscurity'. I'm sure that it's quite grateful.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 31st Dec 2022 09:58

The pocket book with its red cloth cover

well thumbed by a neighbour's hands

Such items speak to us in a way that no mobile or PC screen ever could.

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Graham Sherwood

Sat 31st Dec 2022 00:06

This struck a chord Ray. Can’t really explain why for some reason.
Happy New Year


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