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Worldwide fans of mine will be aware of the low regard I have for gender self-identification.  It strikes me that in 5 year’s time or so we’ll all be saying, “What the hell were we thinking?” and those who chose to identify themselves as “he” or “she” or “they” as opposed to their birth sex will own a hidden guilt normally reserved for fans of Donny Osmond.

But lately I have come to temper my views on this as I realise some of its advantages; not of gender self-identification which seems to me only to offer the unwelcome prospect of a sore and dilated anus (unless I  identified as a lesbian woman, in which case I would be back where I started) but rather of medical self-identification.

I fancy the idea of having Asperger’s or Tourettes.  Both would explain my lack of social skills in saying and doing things considered extremely insensitive or offensive by other people.  What a wonderful umbrella it would provide for calling someone “a lardarse” or exhorting them to “get your baps out”.

“Ah,” you might think, “but wouldn’t you need medical evidence?”  Well, I wouldn’t have thought so.  What other evidence does a doctor need in determining a person’s sex when, for example, their cock is staring them in the face, the conclusion drawn by the medical practitioner present at the child’s birth?

And ironically, the most vociferous apologists for me would be the most woke.





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John Coopey

Tue 9th Jan 2024 17:40

Thanks for your further thoughts, Uilleam.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 9th Jan 2024 14:42

I'm going to identify as an abysmal failure: 😀 after 13 years of it, school children are now learning that it gets them to be Prime Ministers, Chancellors and Education Ministers!
Let "Gongs for all" be our mot juste!

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John Coopey

Tue 9th Jan 2024 13:33

Could be, Graham. Or some cock-eyed system of giving points for wins and draws instead of some self-identification.

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 9th Jan 2024 09:30

Hang on JC, you don't think the Premier League use Fujitsu to work out the standings do you?

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John Coopey

Tue 9th Jan 2024 08:36

Quite right, Stephen. If all it needed was a vigorous assertion that black was white despite the evidence then The Mighty Spurs are the best team in the Premier League and have been Champions every year since its formation.

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 8th Jan 2024 21:33

I think I might self-identify as a Post Office Executive, John. You know, bonuses and gongs however many mistakes you might make. Nice while it lasts, anyway......

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John Coopey

Mon 8th Jan 2024 19:32

Thanks, MC.

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 8th Jan 2024 15:34

I'm tempted to observe that common sense has gone to cock
due to the strident idiocy of a selection of confused c...s! (you can insert "clots" if possessing a delicate disposition.)

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John Coopey

Mon 8th Jan 2024 12:40

I do like the idea of trying to sex brass objects, Uilleam. Perhaps the trick is asking them which they feel like.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Mon 8th Jan 2024 12:16

It is the year 2524: a team of French and German anthropologists are on a “dig” in former Preston, in search of traces of that English tribe, the Lancastrians, once renowned for their superior intellects, and posession of a once prized commodity: “common sense” which they traded with Yorkshire folk who were known as "Tykes".

Alongside human remains, are uncovered two objects called “keys”, one originating in France and one in Germany: both objects are later determined by metalurgists to be made of something called “brass”, hence the large amounts of nearby “muck”.

DNA tests are also made; the results of which confirm the human remains to be those of one young male and of one female; but the anthropologists are unable to confirm the sex of the brass objects.

They call in a team of linguists who explain to the astonished team, that in German grammar, a boy is "Ein Junge" and that a girl is "Ein Mädchen"; that in French grammar, a key is "une clé", and in German it is "Ein Schlüssel".

Ee bah gum, who'd a thowt it!😕

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John Coopey

Mon 8th Jan 2024 10:02

Perhaps not quite as stereotypical as you might think Steve. I am prepared to come halfway on this. For instance, if a man or woman wants to think of themselves as a woman or a man despite their birth sex and simply because they feel like one, that’s fine by me. They have every right to do so.
Just as I have every right to say it’s all a loada blocks.

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Steve White

Mon 8th Jan 2024 08:44

Well, you fit the stereotype I guess, John.

The medical practitioner, observing the child's cock staring them in the face, determines their sex, as you say, but their gender, the expected norms of behaviour based upon the cock staring their doctor in the face, or otherwise, is assigned by society, as I suspect you know.

Hilarious that your woke apologist self-identifies with a pseudonym.

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John Coopey

Mon 8th Jan 2024 08:12

Thanks for your thoughts, Tim. A remarkable piece, New Shoes. It deserves posting on the blog as a stand-alone piece. Incidentally, Mick once offered me the job as his lead guitarist but I told him to stick with Keith. “The lad will get better”, I told him.

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New Shoes

Mon 8th Jan 2024 06:36

Funny thing, though I feel the same way as most of you on this post, I had a dream the other night that I felt brought myself some clarity on the issue.
Mick Jagger was watching a comedy performance on geriatric stage performers needing to piss several times while performing, some pissing into the back of their guitars while playing. After the skit, Jagger got up on stage and talked about what inequality really meant and without the gender identity push into all our consciousness that we could never allow free expression of all individuals. It was felt as a push what maybe free will should really look like, not just what we have come to know as "normal" in the world we were born into.
The dream then faded into a television screen and on it showed the time 1:15pm and a voice announced that this was the time every day that the people of the world should be still and reflect on all the injustice that surrounds us. And by doing this, we will bring change.
A lot of this falls in line with the Hopi prophecy.
Thanks for listening peeps! And I would like to thank Mick Jagger for being a good sport!

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Tim Higbee

Mon 8th Jan 2024 01:39

I pray that my acceptance as a member of the human race and the veracity of my existence is never reliant on a pronoun.
I wonder what the AIs of the future will identify themselves as.
Hopefully they will see the redundancy in our obsession with labels.
Thanks John.

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John Coopey

Sun 7th Jan 2024 23:17

My main regret is that there wasn’t this choice of boy/girl/them friend when I was younger, Ghost. Twice the fun!
And thanks for the Like, Holden.

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Reggie's Ghost

Sun 7th Jan 2024 22:28

Unfortunately John I can only see this getting worse (though some people would argue it's for the better) with every second person you meet engaged in diversity, compliance, H & S, gender equality etc.

Signed Reggies Ghost

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