A street full
There is the guy with the paunch and
The hat that’s too small for his head
Looking kind of bemused and confused
The two young lads with a dog
That just won’t move
The guy with cropped down cargo pants
And long grey beard parted in the middle
The edging traffic
The chippy with nobody in it
The tight-fitting girls with a child in a buggy
The older man at the bus stop glaring
White hair slightly slopping shoulders
Gawping at the runaway Sallys
Across the street
Waiting for a bus that may never come
Puffing blithely on a roll your own no 6
And life carries on in a street
Full of all goings on
And hardly a word is said or spared
In the to and fro exchange of looks and glances
That say so much more to the one who
Knows what to look for and what to expect
The guys busy in the kebab shop
Cooking frying taking orders
Between the shuttered premises of those
Who are just nine to five
Another day of passing by on the street of life
Hello goodbye
Until tomorrow
Sun 23rd Jun 2024 16:46
Hi once again Martin. Politics isn't really my speciality, but the mention of Thatcher prompts me to speculate that her heavy handed and inflexible approach to running the country was the very opposite of what a disenfranchised rundown group of people who lost heart and significance by the very tearing out of the work ethic and its tiny miracles needed - it was bound to lead to a partial breakdown of hope and community. After all, how much of that can we really absorb? Still we did have the yuppie culture, so can we really complain?