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We abhor your views; your attitude stinks!
(I'm only saying what most of us thinks.)
You're a despicably bigoted shit,
who of integrity shows not one whit,
nor a shred of wit. Our nation's heart sinks

wherever your repulsive words are heard.
Your eminence and status are absurd;
it beggars belief you got where you are
when all you deserve are feathers and tar,
sulphurous pitch and wretchedest bird;

ignominy shall be your just desserts,
leavened, we hope, with a myriad hurts
to reflect the suffering that's been caused
through the heartless policies you've proposed.
Naked fascism lurks beneath your skirts,

a bigot's cowardice stoked by power
and bolstered by the will of a shower
of spineless parasites, scheming chancers
all, sycophants who believed your answers
to lies that only darken by the hour.

Your passing from life should be roundly mourned
with street festivals, your memory scorned,
your influence a footnote: a caution
concerning the perils of devotion
to a doctrine by such hatred suborned.

Go, for all the gods' sakes, go, you sinning,
dog-whistle blowing, wicked, web-spinning
psycho. You're welcome here like a group hug
in a burns unit, like a grave that's dug
prematurely. Is there no beginning,

nor end to your recreance? It's timeless,
depthless, the wellspring of sweeping distress:
your cortege will pass through wave after wave
of people queuing to dance on your grave,
and may hell thereafter be your address.

MP 12-151123





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Martin Peacock

Mon 5th Aug 2024 06:04

Indeed, MC. I had in mind a certain SB, PP, LA & BJ, all of the same affiliation at the time. LA ran off to join Reform; the others still skulk around the midden of far-right political thinking, or vomit up ideas for the DM.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 4th Aug 2024 22:11

If the cap fits...? 😏

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