Musings in the Mirror
Can I look hate in the face
and call it friend?
Can I look anger in the face
and call it healer?
I run from hate and anger,
even as they creep into my life like unexploded bombs.
Even then, a part of me senses that if I embrace them,
they will dissipate,
their power will dissolve into nothingness.
With this, I set myself free,
Are hate and anger the lost sisters of love and compassion?
Oh what beauty in the mirror appears
when I stop running and just look, squarely,
into the face of life.
Rolph David
Wed 12th Mar 2025 16:47
There is such profound honesty and courage in the way you explore emotions many of us spend a lifetime avoiding. The way you acknowledge hate and anger as part of your inner world — not to be feared but to be understood — shows a deep wisdom. It’s so powerful how you recognise that by facing these emotions head-on, their destructive power can dissolve, leaving space for freedom and healing. And that beautiful question — whether hate and anger are the "lost sisters of love and compassion" — speaks to a rare insight about the interconnectedness of all feelings. Your lines show someone who has truly looked into the mirror of life and dared to see everything reflected there without turning away.
Fantastic job!