The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

As Autumn Leaves

They are hoovering the village.

I can hear the distant roar,

As they walk the heavy hosepipe

Up and down the village floor.


They are sucking up the leaf drifts

From sycamore and oak,

The matted leaves are treacherous

After a Yorkshire soak.


They are clearing out the gutters,

Defoliating drains.

Autumn will be tidied up

Before the winter rains.


But in the windy woodlands

The leaves still curl and heap.

They lie in wait for winter snow

To blanket them in sleep.

◄ Amber

Discomposed ►


<Deleted User> (5011)

Mon 4th Apr 2011 11:21

Lovely stuff, there's much hidden beneath those apparently lifeless leaves

<Deleted User> (9186)

Mon 4th Apr 2011 00:05

Greg is right this is a lovely poem Freda - David

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Greg Freeman

Sat 27th Nov 2010 10:52

I keep reading this poem again and again, Freda. Its simplicity is its strength. Beautiful final two lines.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Thu 25th Nov 2010 16:24

I do like this, Freda, with its rhyme and metre. Enjoyed 'hoovering the village'. IMO,'to blanket them to sleep' does not use the fresh diction standard set in the first stanza, charming enough, but out of step with the strong imagery prior. I do realize the 'wood' is a kind of 'romantic' world, but fresh verbal ideas still have to describe even that. Perhaps a different approach to 'the leaves of the wood', more mundane - like their decomposition creating new soil, or something like that? Just a thought. The title is ingenious.

<Deleted User> (7164)

Thu 25th Nov 2010 12:42

I agree this is really lovely in imagery and gentle rhyme. That last stanza is super :-)

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winston plowes

Thu 25th Nov 2010 01:06

Yes, just one word... lovely. Win x

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Andy N

Wed 24th Nov 2010 08:17

lovely freda... i think you change the beat in the poem just right on the last stanza.. top stuff x

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Freda Davis

Wed 24th Nov 2010 00:48

Although I did think 'blanket was a bit of a cliche.

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Freda Davis

Wed 24th Nov 2010 00:46

How right you are Ray. I will remove the extraneous syllable pronto.

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Ray Miller

Tue 23rd Nov 2010 23:19

It is good, I can imagine the hoover and I like the idea of the woods as a safe haven. For rhythm's sake, should be "defoliating drains" surely.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 23rd Nov 2010 22:35

Lovely Freda-especially the last verse-thank you-Stef.

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