The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Lost Ghazal

In a place we’d never been before, we were lost.

We talked and kissed away our dream, before we were lost.


It was beautiful only because you were there,

in a place we’d never seen, before we were lost.


We wandered paths in aimless bliss and,

I prayed I’d ever be more lost.


The dread awakening, as time slipped away,

to know you could never be more lost.


To hold you there was sad perfection.

For it to end could never feel more lost.


The days that followed were the darkest yet.

Yearning for the time before we were lost.


I know it now, there’s no returning

to a place where we might be…. forever lost.

◄ Sometimes (extended rhyming mix)

Triolet de la Petite Mort ►


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winston plowes

Sun 5th Dec 2010 09:33

John, Can you please Tag this one as "Ghazal" there are an increasing number of people posting them now. Win

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Ann Foxglove

Tue 30th Nov 2010 09:18

I like your ghazal John. I must try and write one, they can be really beautiful. But it does seem rather a daunting process! The romantic theme suits the form very well. x

<Deleted User> (7164)

Mon 29th Nov 2010 23:23

Wow! This is superb. Wonderful feelings and thoughts expressed and heart breaking towards the end.x

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Mon 29th Nov 2010 23:16

I know those feelings... Intensely beautiful.
I will forever be lost...

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winston plowes

Mon 29th Nov 2010 22:05

some wonderful retrospectives in this one John. a pefrect radif for a ghazal. Thanks for posting. Win x

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Mon 29th Nov 2010 19:05

You shouldn't have posted anything this close to the end of the month John - it only has a 2 day life span - then it gets lost!

I'm no expert on this form but love the play on the word lost - lost as in so happy you are beyond the everyday and lost as in deprived of the thing you want most.

I find the syllabic structure of some of the lines odd - but that is probably because I don't write to form any more - just write to flow of how I like reading something. I must study this structure and have a go myself. x

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