Reality is Five by Seven Miles
Crimson gulps tea
rough hands grasping the mug
Off centre like Wednesday
Trying to get even
with seven
and at one with her past
She dreams on tip-toes
of grass birds nests
and the seagulls serenade.
Giggles at the secrets
snow whispers.
Reality is a five by seven mile
longing for curves.
It snaps rulers with its mind
and wills clocks to stop.
Nostalgia curls up
and thinks.
blinks back tears.
looks back.
Has built lack
with her own chapped hands.
Crimson hugs her past
it holds her at arms length
smiles beguilingly
malignant in its rejection
and forward thinking
in its backward glance.
Burger man
says his names Joe.
Cooks his sausage slow
for taste.
Warns that 'haste creates waste'
and winks.
She thinks she knows what he means
and smiles
as she whiles away another day
Wed 26th Jan 2011 04:02
This is so unique with the quirky images and wonderful use of words and phrases! I loved reading this - made me smile : )