The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Love is a Stranger

Sometimes, love is

a cappuccino moustache
you don't know you have
which I kiss away

as we leave the cafe
and never tell you was there.

Love just has to touch your bum
as you delve into the freezer
to find the bargain peas
and the ice-cream that you like.

It brushes your hand as, between us,

we find the incorrect change.
You peer into your purse
as I fumble through my pockets
then you fumble through my pockets
as I peer into your purse.
And the girl at the checkout smiles at the couple
who still look happy

after all those years.

Love pursues the eyelash
which is making you blink,
It tugs at my waist
when I stand at the sink,
It kisses the lettuce stuck to your teeth,
Then offers you more lettuce.

Love shares a yoghurt and spoon
and makes sure each gets the last lick.

A blob of passata on the nose
turns into love on the kitchen floor.

Love walks in the wind and laughs at our hair,
And love is just loving having you there.
But love is an ache
and a thousand yard stare.

Love gets wet feet making a path in the stream for you,
Offers a hand and wades alongside you
as you skip across dry,
then laughs when you fall in the boggy bit

Love starts with a smile
and becomes a wildflower
tucked behind your ear.

Love is a stranger we meet on a path
who assumes you are mine.




◄ Triolet de la Petite Mort


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Laura Taylor

Fri 4th Feb 2011 20:04

Home-made passata? Did you roast the tomatoes? mmMMM :D

Glad you put it up John - it's a celebration of love

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John Aikman

Fri 4th Feb 2011 19:41

Thank you for all the kind comments. I posted this twice before and then removed it instantly because I thought it was too cliche driven...maybe I've learned through the feedback that I shouldn't be so precious?

Also, I've just edited was 'passata', not 'pasta' that lead to love on the kitchen floor. Home-made passata at that!



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Ann Foxglove

Fri 4th Feb 2011 19:03

How true! Poignant and yet life-affirming! Or should I say love-affirming! x

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Ray Miller

Fri 4th Feb 2011 18:55

What do you get when you mix cliches with rhymes, John? Crimes. Or sometimes riches. As in this case.I liked the purse and pockets stanza. Been there and done that.

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 4th Feb 2011 18:34

I love this - I dont think I've said that about many of yours, but this feels like you poured your heart & soul into it. Brought a little sniffle to this cynical old heart :)

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Fri 4th Feb 2011 16:15

I love all this poem John. I particularly liked

'Love starts with a smile
and becomes a wild flower
tucked behind your ear'

It is all so evocative of a loving physical relationship. Absolutely beautiful. Absolutely amazing that it should have survived kids and so many years of marriage. xx

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Laura Taylor

Fri 4th Feb 2011 13:12

Some warming lines in this John - loving the bum/peas verse, and 'offers you more lettuce'. Sometimes the rhythm doesn't quite flow, as in 'as we leave the cafe
and never tell you was there', but maybe you reading it out loud would make the difference to that?

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Fri 4th Feb 2011 11:58

I loved this!

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 4th Feb 2011 09:49

love of this poem says...yeah baby! yeah!

'love is a stranger we meet
on a path
who assumes you are mine'!

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