The wife, the world and its social workers
mither me to cover the garden pond.
They'll seize upon these two hedgehogs
face down floating, almost submerged
beneath autumn debris
as evidence for the prosecution.
Chattering birds dress rehearse
a courtroom recrimination:
exhibit feathers and bones of chicks
torn by ample-bellied cats
and call for bells round feline necks
and forms of reprehension.
They haven't thought it through.
How would frogs hop in and out?
What would quench the thirsty?
I've watched Big Cat Diary:
the experts wrestle and agonise
when leopard cub lives
are jeopardised by sated lions.
They always eschew intervention.
Cultivate one's own garden
was Voltaire's best advice.
He never mentioned ponds.
Ray Miller
Thu 17th Mar 2011 19:49
Thanks for the comments everyone.