The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

No point; point

No point pulling the curtains

No point making the bed

Waste of time picking up clothes

Futile cleaning his head.


He thinks today will be lost, will be compost

a day of maggots, twenty four hours of weevils

A shadow lies over it, doomed from the start

It's a day that doesn't rhyme.


Or scan.


There's no point, it's all out of joint.


She sends a text.

Thirty words, one hundred and five letters,

and two question marks.

Two very important question marks.

Each one a touch,

a blessed warming breeze in an Arctic soul.


He responds.


The day starts, he picks up clothes,

makes the bed, lets in the light,

gets a shave, gets a plan

shakes off the shadows, acts like a man.


And he says

'Thank you'

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Elaine Booth

Mon 21st Mar 2011 22:21

Connections are what get us through. Look at us all here, blogging away! The darkness in life illuminates the light: doubt and despair, although undesireable, are part of the human experience, hence it's faith: "for now we see through a glass, darkly". Well, that's what your poem made me think about, Dave! Getting late - that deep-thought time of night approaching!

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 19th Mar 2011 17:43

It is a good, original poem, Dave, a personal story for each reader to write. I have no sympathy for persons who must be motivated by other people to 'meet the morning'. Not every day is a 'poem' day. Even if such a nice guy says 'Thank you.'

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Laura Taylor

Fri 18th Mar 2011 10:49

Good title, very interesting structure, enjoyable content. Some good musical rhythms in this too

<Deleted User> (8943)

Fri 18th Mar 2011 08:44

Thanks Dave, reminds me of how important human connection can be.

Especially liked, "shakes off the shadows, acts like a man"

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