The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Our secrets

The barber and priest hear and know

The cabbie hears and sees – she knows.

The policeman picks up the pieces,

He knows, all too well he knows.


The tax inspector and debt collector.

They know.

The Childline worker listens and knows

The social worker knows and acts

The journalist knows the facts

he claims. Hmmm.

Fellow-prisoners know, but not mates

The barmaid knows, but not dates.

They're soaked in the walls of houses,

but kept from the ears of spouses.


GPs know and care

Sex workers hear their fair share

Solicitors, health visitors too,

Tax planners know a few.

Funeral directors, and psychologists,

They know, as do pathologists.

The neighbours know of course

Boy oh boy, do they think they know.

Confidants hear a great deal

Always wondering whether it’s real.

But there is only one who knows them all.

I hope.

◄ No point; point

Routine is death; Death is routine ►


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Dave Bradley

Wed 23rd Mar 2011 00:04

Thanks for commenting everyone, it's much appreciated, especially sorting out the spelling. The last couple of lines are deliberately enigmatic, and can be taken whichever way the reader wants. Some of the guesses about what was in my mind were close but how important is that?

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Mon 21st Mar 2011 21:42

I like the way you pull the reader in, Dave.
I agree with Petrova... I too was asking myself 'What do they know?'

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Elaine Booth

Mon 21st Mar 2011 20:21

Would love to hear this performed, Dave. The rhythm of the repitition is wonderful. I think Petrova's comment "what do they know?" is likley to be quite a common response but that's the point of what you are saying I think.

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winston plowes

Mon 21st Mar 2011 19:16

They're soaked in the walls of houses,
but kept from the ears of spouses.

Realy clever lines those 2 Dave. Win ;-)

<Deleted User> (8943)

Mon 21st Mar 2011 18:30

Ooh, like this a lot. Got a bit excited at first and thought, "what do they know?" Then caught a glimpse of the title again and said to myself, "oh, aye! Read the title silly!"

Excellent piece Dave, light hearted but thought provoking & deep all at the same time! x

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Anthony Emmerson

Mon 21st Mar 2011 11:32

Hi Dave,

Now we all know who knows! Nicely thought out and constructed. I guess you could take the last line a few ways. So, what's your secret?


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Steve Regan

Mon 21st Mar 2011 00:10

A great poetic call to conscience to all those who have held, and continue to hold, the foolish and evil belief in human autonomy that has damaged the world so badly over the past few decades.

Particularly good lines...

'Fellow-prisoners know, but not mates

The barmaid knows, but not dates.

They're soaked in the walls of houses,

but kept from the ears of spouses.'

Big cheers for contemporary gnostics.

Deborah Jordan Bailey

Sun 20th Mar 2011 12:13

i thought maybe Dave was meaning the guy upstairs and wasn't counting himself(no doubt all will be revealed b4 long in this instance) but personally i think psychologists and counsellors know more secrets because himself 'up there' could be like Homer Simpson on a busy day and all the new stuff(everyday more secrets, requests,prayers,etc) might push out all the old stuff, so he'll forget things,whereas the professionals have to write them down incase we go completely doolally. but on the other score I felt compelled to investigate;
Confidants; plural of confidant
Noun: A person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it. Merriam-Webster.
A woman to whom secrets or private matters are disclosed.
1.A woman character in a drama or fiction, such as a trusted friend or servant, who serves as a device for revealing the inner thoughts or intentions of a main character.
[French confidente, feminine of confident, confidant.
ok, i'll go away now..way too much thinking for a Sunday morning..

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sun 20th Mar 2011 11:43

well, there's you & the guy upstairs (for a religious type like you ?) so isn't that two?
BTW (an error in a Dave Bradley poem - horrors !) but it's confidantes, innit ? :D B

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