The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

ESCAPE. Result


May's ESCAPE competition received 27 entries. Remarkably, 15 of these received votes. It was astonishing to me how varied people's preferences are. It's an encouragement to all of us – there is almost certainly someone out there who likes our poetry, even if others don't. We're all different.


Taking both first and second choices into account, four poems had the equal highest number of votes. In order of posting, they were.




Based on First Choice votes, the result is -


First:                Isobel                Escape 2


Second           Alison                Escape


 Congratulations to the two of you. Can you please let me know which charities you nominate.


Well deserved in my opinion, but hard luck to Laura and Andy, whose poems were obviously well thought of, and missed out by a squeak.

 If anyone is disappointed and thought they'd written a good one, you were almost certainly voted for. Several people commented on how difficult they found it and how they appreciated so many of the poems. Rachel Bond had strong advocates – she may well have been on the podium if she had left her poem in.


Thank you to everyone who posted or voted.


◄ Escape. Last chance to vote.

Sox appeal ►


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Mon 6th Jun 2011 16:55

There were many good ones...

Félicitations Isobel et Alison !

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Mon 6th Jun 2011 15:45

Thank you for organising the competition Dave. I feel a bit embarrased winning with my entry since it was a bit prosy and probably garnered more than one sympathy vote. However, every cloud has a silver lining and I'm really looking forward to choosing the theme and running the next one. I hope to have it up here by this evening. I know it is 'hard on the heels' but I think enough people are motivated to write to a theme. If we leave it for a month we will also be into full holiday season, where there won't be much interest anyway.

Would just like to say that I would have voted for Rachel Bond's had it been up there and believe also that it would have won. It was hard hitting and poetic in the truest sense. I can appreciate her reasons for removing it though.

Keep your eyes peeled for the next them peeps - I'll get it up here as soon as I can get my son to download a piece of music with it - and it won't be on a miserable topic either! xx

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Andy N

Mon 6th Jun 2011 14:06

I'm pleased too I got a mention with it, considering I thought it was only a slight poem and would be too mushy for the comp.. Goes to show...

Well done Alison and Isobel.. Now I look forward to the next comp... x

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Laura Taylor

Mon 6th Jun 2011 09:47

Yup, congratulations to Isobel and Alison! I'm quite pleased I even got a mention :D

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kath hewitt

Mon 6th Jun 2011 08:57

Well done to Isobel and Alison!

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