The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.


Camped by the line

you don't notice the trains.

Jousting with words

you don't notice their brains

            or feel for their souls


The radio's on

you hear the sounds

They push your buttons

you give a few pounds.

            The bed is warm.


Promised yourself

you would be alert

Paid fifty quid

for this bargain shirt.

            The dance must go on.


That moving star

that dot in the sky.

Rich man's holiday

Please don't ask why.

            Damned expensive tent.


Facts contorted

untruths are told.

Smoke drifts upward.

The story is old.

            Getting what you want isn't easy.


No crime to sleep

not a sin to snooze.

The risks of love

it's hard to choose

            It's a short life n'est ce pas?


God gave us words

those double-edged swords

for people to play with,

pretend to be lords.

            Wonder what's for dinner.


My food and my heart

they both are frozen

So tough luck guys

the path is chosen.

            Have a nice day.


Sit in the cave

Put the shell to your ear

Interpret the echoes

Face up to the fear.

            Arrange a standing order.


It's what strangers do

when they are lost.

What friends resort to

when tempest tost.

            Get it right next time.


Read the entrails

trace meandering runes

Sift the debris

permit the tunes

            to capture and haunt you.

◄ Walks at Hebden Bridge Sunday 21st

Communion ►


<Deleted User> (6315)

Sun 18th Sep 2011 00:14

This like Laura resonates with me very the mindset within great work Dave..

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Elaine Booth

Tue 16th Aug 2011 13:14

Dave, really enjoyed this poem of yours. A subtle and thoughtful piece which gets you thinking. Lots of great images. And the "camped" of the title highlights how temporary life is. X

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Andy N

Sat 13th Aug 2011 09:18

lot going on here, dave.. for some reason as i got into the piece, i actually thought it was going to be a comedy piece, but it went the other way which i liked.. top one, bud. hope you are good, see you soon - andy n

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 11th Aug 2011 14:23

I think this is excellent Dave. Says so much but in a relaxed almost jaunty way, deceptively chilling!

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Laura Taylor

Wed 10th Aug 2011 14:30

Love this Dave.

To echo earlier comments, I really like those last lines in each stanza, those kind of asides. They really make the structure.

Tempest - 'tost' - made up word?

There's a real sense of shifting moods in this. Can also see parallels with the current

In fact there's quite a lot of comment on society within this. That kind of head-in-the-sand attitude that surrounds us, that is so
surprised by what has been happening lately.

I love that there are lots of ideas tumbling around in it that are ambiguous. Also - to camp is to make and live in a temporary abode. Very significant title.

Nice one :)

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