The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

My Favourite Cup


It takes years of pondering to find the right cup;

the right shape and weight, the pattern, the handle.

It is not just a drinking vessel

It is a portal to a world of relaxation.

Maybe I’m wrong and it is just a cup

but I’d be lost without my favourite.


She has picked me up when I’ve felt alone

even with her chipped rim

she makes the perfect brew.

As I caress her, I know she won’t let me down.

It was another jealous cup that chipped her

in the washing up bowl, trying to win my attention.

Maybe I should love all my cups the same

but I’d be lost without my favourite.


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Of Pirates and Poets ►


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Martin Bailey

Sat 2nd Mar 2013 20:57

Thank you Dave.

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Dave Bradley

Sat 2nd Mar 2013 19:35


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Martin Bailey

Thu 28th Feb 2013 22:33

Thanks Yvonne, I am very fussy about my cup. I also have a favourite at my fiancee's house and at my parent's house I have to drink out of one with mum written on because the other don't feel right in my hand or against my lips. x

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Yvonne Brunton

Thu 28th Feb 2013 22:24

It is a truth universally acknowledged that we all have a favourite cup and woe betide anyone else who uses it. A delightful little ode.I've never thought about the gender of my cup before. Thanks for an enjoyable read. xx

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Martin Bailey

Thu 28th Feb 2013 21:56

Thank you Frederick, it was worthwhile just for your kind words.

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Thu 28th Feb 2013 21:53

That was pure joy to read! Thanks for sharing.

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