The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.


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Fish heads rest on ice

Sparkling diamond gleam

No rubies here

Or crimson smears

Just mouths and eyes fixed in a scream


Plundered from dark depths

Where gloomy gardens grow

Through rocks and wrecks

And bottlenecks

Of interminable shadow


For a shop window

The murder scene’s precise

No trace of blood

Knives swish and thud

And fish heads rest on ice


Sea creatures dispatched

From caverns most profound

A dolphin cries

Thrashes and dies

Your nets greedy for pounds


Seagulls fill the sky

Their song covets the deck

Discarded guts

Unwanted cuts

Sweet death for them to peck


Do they sing of wrecks?

Of meal-boats sunk and drowned?

And would they cry

Were you to lie

In caverns most profound?


Fish heads rest on ice

A memory of the flesh

Your morning’s kill

Weakens my will

Like slaughter labelled fresh

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sian howell

Thu 19th Mar 2009 00:09

Very good Steve, particularly being able to inspire such interest in a subject matter that may otherwise be overlooked. Sian X

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winston plowes

Sun 8th Mar 2009 23:09

Hi Steve,
Good to hear this the other night at Freed-up. Liked it then liked it now and as you said "fish don't grow on trees" Winston

<Deleted User> (5646)

Sun 8th Mar 2009 16:48

Hi Steve,
I'm no vegetarian but i do like your poem very much. I'm also aware of the poor dolphins which get caught up in the fishermens nets.

At the other end of the scale, i used to work in a fishmongers. The imagery within the poem took me back to those days. Thankyou.


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Gus Jonsson

Sun 8th Mar 2009 15:03

Well done Steve
Love it...especially the penultimate verse... me hooked.Regards

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