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Tory Attitudes

If you have to ride a bus

then you aren't one of us.

You're a loser


If you are on benefits

in our world, you don't fit.

You're a loser


If you've lost your crap pay job,

don't expect us to sob.

You're a loser.


If you're not rich or Brit

then we'll treat you just like shit

'cos you're a loser.


The losers are a problem,

the losers are a pain.

Read the Daily Mail and Sun.

Learn to treat them with disdain


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M.C. Newberry

Mon 20th Jan 2014 13:24

Certainly, the bankers' fiasco hasn't helped
but they were busy under the long Labour term in
office too! And MPs' self-serving activities
are a recent revelation that coincided with the
other financial problems that have beset us,
providing more fuel for complaint and calumny
against those perceived to have power and
privilege over the rest of us.
True democracy is probably not possible in reality when human nature gets busy in "self-
interest" mode. It wasn't there when the
country was deceived about the real aims of
the political entity in Brussels and witnessed
its mandate to rule handed over to foreign
influence via a succession of "treaties" that
have directly affected our own workforce.
Edmund Burke: "The people never give up their
liberties but under some delusion."

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Gray Nicholls

Mon 20th Jan 2014 12:43

i agree with you here, dave. my wife encounters this problem regularly with tory based people she encounters. it's part of their breeding she tells me.

not sure if i agree with her but the anger in your piece is spot on. excelent.

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Lynn Dye

Sun 19th Jan 2014 19:40

Bankers are the real culprits, rather than living beyond our means. They caused the crash, and continue to create money out of thin air as debt and charge interest on it. The problem with the Tories is that they have hardly got the deficit down, and have borrowed more in 3 and a half years than Labour did in 13. It's just that they are not telling us the truth, and the media is not telling us either.
If Labour want people to rely on them, why is unemployment lower under Labour, and higher under the Tories?
I would rather pay taxes to help those less fortunate than myself, rather than pay for MP's second homes, their power bills, free meals and bar costs.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 19th Jan 2014 18:53

I'm far from agreeing with all that the Tories
do, but "in principle" I understand that any
political party that seeks to get the finances
of a nation that has lived beyond its means for
years on to an even keel and run the gamut of
criticism from the insatiably disaffected, but
MORE importantly, the risk of electoral suicide,
has to have something going for it. When was
the Labour Party minded to take risk its future
in any comparable way? They WANT folk to have
to rely on them - easy and cheap popularity that
others pay for...not least those who pay tax on
shrinking pensions!
So...I listen even if I might vote Ukip for other reasons!!

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Lynn Dye

Sun 19th Jan 2014 10:50

I so agree with this, Dave. Well done :)

M.C. I, for one, don't think of all rich as being Tory. I have a very wealthy friend who still votes Labour - he says he hasn't lost his principles, and I also know some poor who vote Conservative, turkeys voting for Christmas come to mind! :)

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 18th Jan 2014 13:19

Interesting, but historically the "Tory Party"
was seen as embodying the land owning classes.
But those days - with the advent of societies
like the National Trust to step in and save
so much from crippling revenue demands - are
long gone...taxed out of existence. There's a
certain irony there.
Now it seems a Tory is anyone with perceived
privilege or too much money. Step forward the
Labour Party and their rich as Croesus luvvie
supporters and take a bow from behind those
carefully drawn curtains of wealth.

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Anthony Emmerson

Sat 18th Jan 2014 01:25

Completely agree Dave. What dismays me even more than the present incumbents is the fact that so many of us are standing by and simply accepting our fate. Me? I'm building a gallows . . .

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