The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

Surely not!

Even doctors die, priests sin

Embalmers rot, acrobats fall.

Runners limp, sailors sink,

Mathematicians miscalculate. 


Clowns cry, farmers starve,

Opticians squint, pilots get lost. 

Therapists crack up, 

Firefighters burn themselves.


And occasionally,

Just occasionally,

Very occasionally

Poets write rubbish.

◄ If

Being not very good at lots of things ►


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 10th Mar 2014 13:14

I haven't read the other comments yet. I think this is super - clever, funny, deliciously barbed and hitting way too close to bone.

Later: And, my goodness, wasn't I just right!

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Sun 23rd Feb 2014 16:24

If you want to be really picky you could have pilots crashing, or change pilot to navigator or path finder :)))

I really like this poem Dave - it's quirky and funny. I know that you would be the first to admit writing the occasional bit of rubbish yourself - which makes the humour a whole lot more understandable. I now brand much of my early work as rubbish - as poets we grow and evolve - which isn't to say that today's masterpieces won't be considered tomorrow's rubbish - heh heh - you've made me scratch my head and think.

Nothing rubbish about this piece then! xx

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John Coopey

Sat 22nd Feb 2014 23:39

What ho, Dave.
Excellent piece. If empirical evidence of poets writing rubbish is required I'm happy to put myself forward.
For our generation (that is, pre-emoticon) I always understood that an ! denoted a joke.
On a technical (and hyper-critical level) I tend to agree with Chris about the pilots getting lost.

<Deleted User> (9882)

Sat 22nd Feb 2014 20:14

sorry that you took my simply asking you Mr Co to allow me to have my question put to Dave as a personal insult.I thought it was a civil request?I have no problems in apologising if you took it in another way.

Thank you.

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Ged Thompson

Sat 22nd Feb 2014 18:54

I like this piece. Also Thought your stuff was really really good at the spoke the last time I went Dave. I have a couple of favourite of yours though I'd like to hear again. I Love the one about us behaving like children when we argue like we are having pillow fights and we need a parent to shout up stairs at us. Also the one about you being a true Hippie after the fad had died out. And the one about your wirey hair. I can never remember titles but always remember the sentiment I fell from them. Your really good at putting a sentiment across in your stuff. Good work mate

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Chris Co

Sat 22nd Feb 2014 17:56

No idea why you're being so aggressive and insulting Solar. I did nothing more than comment. Ok I understand you wanted the answer from Dave, that's fine, but really, was there any need for that tirade? You don't know who I am or what I am like - you really don't have the first clue about me.

You lecture me on judging people's poetry, I have in fact NEVER done that. I have commented thousands of times over many years on this site and can say that in that time, I have made just one, singular critical remark. So I have no idea where this negative attack comes from. Separate from which I have supported poets every single month of the year for many years, helping and supporting poets in significant ways, but you wouldn't be aware of that as you don't me.

Let's leave it there, it seems best to, even if it is disappointing.

I'm sorry if you thought I was being critical of you, when my intention was merely support of Dave, re his intention. Knowing Dave as. I do I felt I had an inside track with regards to the fact that he doesn't target people - that was all I was trying to say.

Best to you

<Deleted User> (9882)

Sat 22nd Feb 2014 16:22

I still maintain my question that if poets occasionally write rubbish,who has the authority to determine such a view.Who is this god of poetry?Besides which I did aim my question at Dave and certainly not at you Mr Co.Therefore I would prefer that in future you allow me to receive an answer from the person to who the question was intended for.I have since been given a very nice satisfactory and kindly explanation from Dave for which I am grateful for.Personally I would never regard myself as a judge of other peoples poems my preference is to say some are fantastic,some are good,some are okay,but none would I regard as rubbish.We all have to start somewhere and be allowed time to improve,however much other people don't allow them that kind of understanding.That concludes my view.All previous poems by Dave have and always will be very much appreciated.Thank you again Dave for the the reply.x

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Chris Co

Sat 22nd Feb 2014 10:38

Solar, it is satire, self evidently satire. Speaking of things self evident, of course poets write rubbish, just as they write the distinctly mediocre, reasonably good, and exceptional poetry - choose your own adjectives. Bell curve distribution and relative distinctions anyone? Hehe

The use of "very occasionally" clearly gives away the poets humour, good sense of humour at that. If anything, humour lies in the understatement. A lot of crap is written, anyone who denies that denies reality. That said there is absolutely no target to this, not even the merest whiff of attack.

<Deleted User> (9882)

Fri 21st Feb 2014 20:01

'very occasionally
poets write rubbish'

....according to?

for me,this teeters on the offensive.
If the intention behind it is to wind up-
who?and why?

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Chris Co

Fri 21st Feb 2014 10:18

This one comes with a satirical and knowing wink. A short yet clever send-up that doesn't take itself too seriously. Of course the irony here, is that this is a good little poem.

Went down really well last night at the Spoke :)

The only thing I subjectively might change is - pilots get lost. I think all the other examples have a consistency that this doesn't quite achieve. Apart from that - v good.

Best of


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Steve Higgins

Thu 20th Feb 2014 11:59

As if!
Great one Dave!

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Laura Taylor

Thu 20th Feb 2014 09:37

Hehehe :D Only 'very' occasionally? ;D I consider it a central part of my writing process to churn out regular poetic garbage :D

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Harry O'Neill

Wed 19th Feb 2014 22:38

Perish the thought!

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