The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.


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Hello there. Here is a new, ridiculous poem about fannies and the joy of owning one. If you are reading this in the US, fannies means front bottom and it’s only ladies that have them.  Oh yes, I have published a real book made of paper; it's called Slightly Wrong, and it is full of daft poems. It's a bit rude. You can get it from Amazon here if you are desperate.


Fannies arrive in all shapes and sizes,

Some are quite teeny while others win prizes,

Some live in Bradford, some in Devizes;

Fannies are great fun to own.


You don’t have to tuck them away in your pants,

They don’t jig around when you do Riverdance,

They make a great home for lost fiery red ants.

Fannies are useful to have.


When you’ve forgotten your lunch box it’s somewhere to stash

Your BLT sarnie, a Coke and spare cash,

Some leftover curry or sausage and mash.

Fannies are terribly good.


They don’t waggle about, they don’t make a fuss

Like penises do on the No. 4 Bus;

They don’t need Viagra or some kind of truss.

Fannies are simple, indeed.


If you’ve got a fanny, please don’t get a fright,

Nothing will ever climb up in the night,

Unless there’s a very cold vole to your right

When you are camping in Rhyl.


If you’ve not got a fanny, there’s no need to worry;

You’re either a man or a nun in a hurry.

You can buy one from Comet or Homebase or Currys.

They’re cheaper at this time of year.


You can whip off the woman fur, just like you feared it.

The fashion is baldy and totally sheared, it’s

Boring so try a Brian Blessed-style beard, it

Might be the change that you need.


But your fanny’s your own, so revel in its glory.

Paint it with goulash to scare off a Tory.

You might be a prude or a little bit whorey,

But your fanny will always love you.


You can buy my book of poems Slightly Wrong from Amazon in download form or real paper. Click this clicky bit!

Here's my other blog, although I haven't said anything particularly interesting for a while

poetrycomic verseLouise Etheridge

◄ Offenders and books

I get the word "snatch" into the Daily Telegraph - 10 points to me! ►


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Matthew James

Sun 27th Mar 2016 17:25

Hilarious! Love it!

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Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:44

Thanks, Helen, and the ad is soooo funny! I love Irn Bru ads but I've never seen that one. That is class. I'm going to share it on FB, so thanks for the heads up!

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Helen Elliott

Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:24

Louise, this is hilarious! I can't stop laughing. So many great lines. Put me in mind of this Irn Bru advert

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Sun 21st Jun 2015 22:12

Thank you for your nice comments, Tommy. I don't always write poems about fannies but that one fell out of my head on a walk so I thought I might as well write it down as not. Glad you liked it!
I've got a book of what I like to call "poems" on Amazon - mostly rude or irreverent or a bit bonkers. Just because. It's called Slightly Wrong. I like a good bishop poem.

And here's me in the Telegraph (I didn't explode despite the fear, me being a bit of a leftie and all)

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 21st Jun 2015 15:10

I'm so impressed with 'fannies' that I have to say how impressed I am by it. So much so the 'C' word Immediately came to mind: 'Cradock'.

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 21st Jun 2015 13:47

Fannies...that reminds me I have to prune my roses. How have I missed your work Louise?

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Tue 28th Apr 2015 16:49

Thank you all for your nice comments!


Sat 11th Apr 2015 02:41

Heh heh! Love this Louise, thanks :)

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John Coopey

Fri 10th Apr 2015 23:56

Yes, Louise, I thoroughly enjoyed it too.
My own take:-

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jack purvis

Thu 9th Apr 2015 13:16

My type of humour. Good on yer!

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