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III. Conquer

III. Conquer

The greatest enemy a person can own 

Is not only their greatest fear 

But the fear of disbelieving they have grown.

Every person is afraid, expecting they will be betrayed.

Every person falls and fails,

Refusing to continue on their trails.

Not facing the unknown

Not facing the dreadful,

Gives a chill in the bone,

And will encourage the nightmare to be more powerful.

How can we overcome this fear?

Will it take more than a year?

Do we need to crawl towards redemption?

What is our true intention?

The hike would be worth the journey, if we are able to make the memory.

Have no self - doubt and have faith in your heart.

Next thing, your spirit will break free and give you a fresh start.

Facing the fear and challenge

Is to not make the soul fall. 

By teaching the mind how to manage, the warrior can accomplish all.

Fight on and fight with will!

Climb every mountain with the sharpened skill.

Perservere and be steady. Life will push you down.

At least you will be ready, and prove to your demons to never drag you beneath the town.

Pick up your feet and run!

Do not look away from the burning sun.

Catch up before it is too late

Or the universe will not grant another chance at this rate.


◄ II. The Night

IV. Coffee ►


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