You'll find them among most types of mob
With shuttered mind and open gob.
You'd be forgiven for wondering what they do for a living
When they prefer to be taking rather than giving.
They'll shout you down in your own small protest
And you think they might actually be seeking arrest
From the ranks of police that wearily try
To make sure the peace doesn't go too awry.
Having said that the street scene's so often akin
To the dangerous days seen in pre-war Berlin
When the socialists were fascists in all that they did
And woe betide a victim that they could call "Yid".
Watch out for the punch or that kick to the knee
You may not see coming in the usual melee,
As the Socialist Shirkers in full fragrant voice
Determine that nobody else has a choice
Of what is the right way for folk to behave,
And remind us that some still belong in a cave!
M.C. Newberry
Sat 20th Jun 2015 15:50
David - using the word "mob" in the context, it is defined as a "disorderly crowd of people" and since "disorder"
crosses a range of behaviour - from obscenely vocal to the physically offensive - my own observations place the "SS"
among the more easily inflamed assemblies with
political overtones when lapses into violence become
frequent - and more effectively orchestrated.
More placid causes that provide little opportunity for their
rabble-rousing antics have little attraction for them but
these are outnumbered by the rest that we see on the
streets, especially here in the capital.
Finally "most types of mobs" allowed me some pleasing
alliteration to catch the eye in the opening line. If you
think of it as artistic licence, I won't object.