The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


entry picture

Scheming, thieving, scumbag bumentry picture

Smack head, crack head, someone’s son

A knife, a life, a dealer’s gun

Only mugs do drugs and call it fun


There’s ‘H’, 'Meow' and rocks of 'Crack'

There’s ‘E’s and ‘Speed’ and ‘Blow’

There’s ‘Browns’ and ‘Blues’, a bag of ‘Smack’

So cool and good to go


Come get your fix, it’s such a must

Steal the money from your Mum

Your Dad’s away and he’s not fussed

With a telly in his Strangeways slum


Like a rat that leaves a sinking ship

Just  an addict wanting one more trip

Every night his Mother cries out loud

For the Son that used to make her proud


Scheming, thieving, scumbag bum

Smack head, crack head, someone’s son

A knife, a life, a dealer’s gun

Only mugs do drugs and call it fun


(C) Daniel Dwyran







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Mae Foreman

Fri 28th Sep 2018 14:02

Loved it. Poetry shouldn't just be pretty words put together in a row. There's truth in that piece. Loved it.

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Martin Elder

Thu 12th Nov 2015 16:34

Nice to see you placing words on the page again Daniel. This rolls off the tongue quite nicely, feels almost like a song. Good one

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Laura Taylor

Tue 10th Nov 2015 10:34

Oh I don't know, I've always been rather partial to alternative realities. There are good reasons why people indulge, and most of them really do revolve around them being absolutely ace fun :)

One of the worst drugs is of course alcohol. In terms of fatalities, illness/disease, and addiction, its impact is terrifying. And in every corner shop lurks temptation.

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