The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.


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From Facebook came a Croc of Shit

To read and click and share

No longer I'll put up with it

Accused that I 'don't care'


"Share this if you have a heart"

"If you 'like' please type 'Amen'"

It stinks more than a day old fart

To read this shit again.. again.. again


I don't care if you send a curse

Wrath of God and all his might

One Direction would be worse

As I really hate their shite


I'll end up on some 'Spammers' list

That's if I type 'Amen'

So now I hope you'll 'get my drift'

Don't send this shit again!


(C) Daniel Dwyran

facebookspammersshitshiteSocial media




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steve pottinger

Tue 1st Dec 2015 18:39

I do like a good rant! Excellent.

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Ged the Poet

Tue 24th Nov 2015 23:32

Thank you all for your very kind words on the 'Croc'.
Ray your honesty is admirable and if you feel something is relvant then true friends would understand..
Stu, like yourself I am very new to 'Facepest' myself hence the rant and I know how you feel.
Lynn, WoL certainly has the edge that is for sure. Glad you enjoyed the poem.
Martin, trying to get on here more often than recent. Hope to see you at a WoL event in the near future... and don't start me off on 'spam' emails!
JC.. I always hear the guitar when I read your work and your audio stuff is superb. The Pythons' and Kevin 'B' Wilson are always great for a chuckle. Thanks for the 'heads up'.
Appreciated! DD

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John Coopey

Fri 20th Nov 2015 10:41

Really enjoyed this Daniel.
For an alternative take on a crock of shit try this

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Martin Elder

Fri 20th Nov 2015 08:50

This would be a good one to read at gigs. I fully endorse your feelings about facebook. I have never ventured on to that particular medium. I get enough nonsense from spam e mails. One of which told me that two people had 'unfriended 'me from facebook, which would be difficult as I had never been on it.
Nice one Daniel. Keep then coming.

Lynn Hamilton

Thu 19th Nov 2015 22:58

Enjoyed your poem Daniel. Is FB the picture book of WOL? Lynn

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Thu 19th Nov 2015 21:54

sorry to use this as a platform, but I managed to upset two "friends" by trying to use the original thought tactic and commenting about something I felt was relevant , only to be berated for it. Ray

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Stu Buck

Thu 19th Nov 2015 21:28

captured the single worst aspect of facebook for me. only 'joined up' this year after someone suggested it may increase my online presence. what a wonderful microcosm of everything that is wrong with humanity it turned out to be. guilt trips, pictures of dead kids and inane racism interspersed with hallowed snippets of where someone was drinking coffee. brilliant.

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Thu 19th Nov 2015 21:14

Fill your boots Daniel. I wholly agree with this , we don't need propaganda to spread like the proverbial ordure. Ray

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