The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Strange Encounter

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Just minding my own business
Standing in a line
A basket full of shopping
In a headspace that was mine
When suddenly a voice piped up
'What you cooking love?!'
And being kind - I turned around
And stood gazing from above
Upon a short & greasy man
Who's eyes were firmly fixed
To the swelling of my bosom
He really was transfixed!
I cleared my throat and said 'hello'
In an attempt to raise
That shiny head with thinning hair
From it's penetrating gaze
'Well I'm cooking chicken'
I said without a beat
'That's a shame' came his reply
'coz I don't really eat meat' 
'This is for my family'
My response was firm & clear
'So you're not inviting me then?'
He said - without raising an ear
'Well no not really' I replied
Turning my back again
And then tap tap upon my arm
Hard enough to cause some pain
And so being well bought up
I turned again to face
This strange companion in my wait
To get out of this place
'I think you're very pretty'
He said - not raising up his head
'Ummm Thank you' I returned
Fiddling with my bread
'So you know what really bugs me?'
He said with quite some venom
'This thing that girls have got
Wearing double denim...'
'And all of these tattoos they have
Do they really think
That men find it attractive?'
Well - I didn't stop to think
I slowly turned my back again
And quietly pulled down a sleeve
And removed my arms one by one
Not wishing to deceive
And revealed in all its glory
The ink across my back
And glanced across my shoulder
To watch his fast backtrack
I wear my self expression
Emblazoned on my skin
I am inked & I am proud
I'm not going to keep it hidden
So my advice is this my friends
If a date is what you seek
Talk to my face - and don't be rash
And don't call me a freak!!

◄ Bravado

To the Girl in the Oak Tree ►


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Vicki Ayers

Thu 7th Jan 2016 13:27

Haha no Tommy - I'm quite polite really!! But who knew tattoos could be used as weapons!

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 7th Jan 2016 13:00

I was expecting you
to head-but him
then knee him in the groin,
I'm glad you didn't though.

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Vicki Ayers

Thu 7th Jan 2016 12:26

Thank you LD! It was a funny experience!!

Lady Denyse

Thu 7th Jan 2016 11:08

I found myself chuckling to the very end... Good for you!

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Vicki Ayers

Thu 7th Jan 2016 02:30

Thank you Patrick x

Patrick Rushe

Wed 6th Jan 2016 23:52

Great piece of writing...I enjoyed the story in it....

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