Scars are my stories
Written around me, written within:
scars of my lifetime show on my skin.
This is a tooth I broke in a fight.
Here's where I tumbled, dancing all night.
Sites of injections. Chicken-pox spot.
Name of a lover better forgot.
Words in the open, words never said,
all of my stories hide in my head.
Tell me a story: now, evermore,
life has a pattern hidden before.
Tales of a lifetime carved in my brain
whisper politely: Tell me again.
Hid in a heartbeat, sung to the stars:
scars are my stories, stories my scars.
John Coopey
Mon 7th Mar 2016 20:27
Great rhythm worked around the caesuras. As some great man once said, "It's not the notes that count; it's the gaps inbetween".