matiness and evenings slightly out to sea
on Cromer pier (parking is discouraged)
you may walk to try the salt sea air
and perch slightly out at sea
where the air is free and watch
a show for all the family
on Cromer pier (heckling is discouraged)
the lovelies dance like dragonflies
in a celebration of gauze.
The council has installed LED
necessitating a slight increase in ticket fee
but the air is free and its all
in a good cause
to preserve these fragile seaside forms
because these shows are under threat
development edges ever closer
and would take over the sea itself
but Cromer pier dares encroachment
on its spindly legs.
Theatregoers stare down through the boards
seasick with anticipation of
a minor celebrity emblazoned in poster reds
and yellows all on a tilt
where eddies and ripples jostle the silt.
It's all a dream somehow intact
and the local news sheet will attract
devoted readers for their column
to be snipped out and lovingly pasted
by doting parents, no detail too small,
no glory wasted with eyes set fair
to distant shores,
the lure of monoculture cruises
to transport those dragonfly dreams
while Cromer pier awaits on tiptoes
the rolling in of winter pantos..
Sat 19th Mar 2016 20:22
Very much appreciated Mark. One of the rare piers that offer entertainment , maybe the only one left now! I have worked there as a pianist - a nightmare to back the band coach from the high street on to the parking area.