The figure in his cloak of light
is transforming the heart of a new believer
behind him a penumbra of shadow
of screaming souls.
The new man is forever tagged
he is now aware of Heaven
and its open door
and turns his back on the doubting past
those human traits reformed at last.
He is in love with love itself
cannot now find his original self
for the light is blinding
cannot go back
but he feeds off the power
forever and ever
at the top of the ivory tower.
Laura Taylor
Wed 30th Mar 2016 09:38
Sorry for the delay in replying Ray - been up the bloody wall again with Dad and work stuff.
Anyhoo, cannae remember the original now (!) but this ending reads well and does not set my teeth on edge or owt, so that's a result eh? ;)
And yes, yes they do think I'm bonkers :)