Women love poetry more than men
Women Love Poetry More Than Men.
Hard Hat Area: Poem under construction!
(a poem for two voices and a mind.)
It's a fact, they do...
they are more inclined to
they are they just do...
They like the emotional entanglement that's true, however,
I'm not sure are you?...
Of course: their eyes light up with delight ,
whenever a match is ever in sight,
they may not always sit and write...
or use computers the way men do
I think you'll find the opposite true
statistics recon one woman to two
men compose in verse
then publish their efforts for better or worse...
But liking is not the same as writing...!
As watching is not doing?
Good point, and true....
...like swimming is not drowning...
I get the point..
..you do?...........tbc
Tommy Carroll
Tue 29th Sep 2009 10:49
Winston/Isobel Yes I reposted (under construction) and I have added. I have forgotten most of my stuff owing to the condition Expressive Dysphasia August/September also some 'errors' in posting as of circumstance. Yes Winston I meant it as 'Women what love' LOL...but AE 'loving' aint the same as 'writing' ... : ) Thank you all for your patience! Tommy : )