Still there, those old beasts
at the watering hole
wallowing in sentiment
thin skinned
brass necks.
Those were the days my friend
we thought they'd never end
but they 'ad to
balaclavas and sawn offs.
The barmen keep their distance
behind optics,
behind Victorian mirrors
they know these faces
know that tales will be told
egos massaged
adrenalin junkies
on cardiac medication.
The peripheral skirts
do their own gathering
sat down in circles
in leopard skins, scented plumage
lacing their drinks with
lost solace at the waterhole.
Hardly sensed, at best ignored
they will always stand by their men
when they do time
and always did
and paid and still pay a heavy price
in the markets of the east.
<Deleted User> (13762)
Fri 28th Apr 2017 17:11