The "C", forever with me.
Once you've been touched by the "C"
You'll no longer ever be free
It stains me, sticks with me
I just want to be released
But I'm haunted by this vicious disease
That aims to end lives, make me deceased
We may halt it, but it never truly leaves
It's tangled within me, lingering in my bloody Genes!
You never know what's lurking underneath
Not everything is always as it seems
It steals your body and your dreams
You'll never hear our silent screams
Or see the internal tears that stream
But trust me, we just want to finally be free
But it sticks with you till you're deceased
That's the bitter truth of this vicious disease.
M.C. Newberry
Sat 11th Aug 2018 14:31
Certainly, the "inherited" aspect of this disease seems
wayward and cruel.
A number of my mother's elder sisters suffered, one dying
young with two others living to a good age, and she was
stressed that she too would suffer their fate - but never did,
passing away at 90 from the medical expectations
associated with her advanced age.
Thank you for the enlightenment and your positivity about
your own situation.