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I’ve always considered my body

A shrine or a temple of sorts,

Honed to perfection by exercise

Like snooker and other pub sports.


But lately I’ve noticed a blemish

To mar my immaculate bod,

So I’m starting to look like John Prescott

And less like a Classical God.


Besides being most unsightly

They’re open to much ridicule,

A feature that’s rather less welcome

Than a turd in a swimming pool.


I refer, of course, to my man boobs

(The laughter’ll have you in fits)

Women used to look at my etchings

Now they ask to look at my tits.


They’re starting to get so pendulous

I can’t fool the opposite sex

Into believing they’re not boobs at all

But a fine set of masculine pecs.


I’ve thought about cosmetic surgery

Instead of “Do-Nothing-and-Moan”;

The choice that I face is having them off

Or enhancing with that silicone.


It’s a hell of a disadvantage

Strutting a lady's bust,

But there is one thing that I’ve noticed,

In fairness there is a small plus.


They’re saving me quite a fortune

What I’d spend at the pub on wine;

See, I stay at home on an evening

And play with them all of the time.





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John Coopey

Fri 7th Sep 2018 08:14

ThanksLynn. Glad they made you laugh. They have a life of their own when I do.

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lynn hahn

Wed 5th Sep 2018 03:25

OMG that is hysterical! Love the broadcast. I got a good belly laugh out of your boob botheration.

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John Coopey

Mon 3rd Sep 2018 11:59

To be clear, Don, I believe it’s what you Aussies call “top bollocks”. And,again to be clear, “Down Under” excludes the outback.

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Don Matthews

Mon 3rd Sep 2018 09:11

If you call it 'Man Boob Down Under' I definitely won't keep abreast of your poetry ?

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John Coopey

Sun 2nd Sep 2018 18:30

Thanks, MC and Ray. You’re on the right lines,MC. I’m tempted to have liposuction on them and the fat pumped in my prick.
Ray - There’s a brassiere on Selby Finkle Street. You can get a nice cappucino there.

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Sun 2nd Sep 2018 17:15

It's about time you started yourself seriously John. So much mileage in one body. It's funny how we never see the word brassiere any more. Vive la Diana Dors ! (or John).


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M.C. Newberry

Sun 2nd Sep 2018 16:22

Fun - long may the day be postponed when you go tits-up!
And -
Why not become a lowdown siliconer
And use its effects for an upstanding boner?

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John Coopey

Sun 2nd Sep 2018 16:02

Many thanks,Don. My next effort is a follow-up entitled “Down Under”.
It looks like The Nick to me, Martin, but not as I remember him. Nevertheless, Jack, “Thanks for the Mammaries”.

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Martin Elder

Sun 2nd Sep 2018 15:24

That wouldn't be a certain hollywood star pictured above perchance would it. I am fairly sure its not you John
Nice one

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Don Matthews

Sun 2nd Sep 2018 09:57

Now I thought us Aussies could outwit you Brits so why am I struggling here? Just trying to get my head around this stormy breast in a D cup. The mind boggles. Brian is besotted with Gina of the luscious lovelies.

Oops. I'm meant to be commenting on your poem. Not Brian's obsession with Gina.

I thought this was a good effort John. Always keep abreast of your work ?

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John Coopey

Sat 1st Sep 2018 22:33

Brian/Taylor - Thankyou. Good to see you keeping abreast of my poetry.

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Taylor Crowshaw

Sat 1st Sep 2018 22:12

Very good..

<Deleted User> (18980)

Sat 1st Sep 2018 21:43

Why are you making a fuss John? It's just a storm in a D cup.

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