Leopard Kill
Leopard Kill
Leopards are beautiful animals
Preservation's where we're putting our skill
So why is a USA woman
Showing off her proud leopard kill?
The picture appeared on social media
And went viral all round the world
The outrage was loud and wide-spoken
At such no-care attitude unfurled
Don Matthews September 2018
M.C. Newberry
Mon 1st Oct 2018 16:06
An appalling image that deserves your condemnation.
The use of firearms is varied but this example is totally unacceptable -
UNLESS the animal in question was a threat and had a record of depredation. As a boy, I read the book by Harry
Corbett(?) "The Man-Eating Leopard of Rudraprayag"
(think that's the spelling) - about a beast that was killing
villagers. He was a professional hunter hired to track
and kill it - and told his tale in the above book.
That is a world apart from those who kill certain species
for no other reason than to boast of a "trophy" killing.
There is an ironic news item online of a guy injured when
the bear he'd shot fell on him! Nature's pay-back?!
I have my own experience of using a range of firearms.
There is a satisfaction in their precision, and the handling of these items - used to obtain the target accuracy that is a sport in itself....check the Olympics.
Unfortunately, due to political scaremongering and the like, this has been diminished, along with the disciplined familiarity that eliminates the fear of firearms in minds
unaccustomed to their use.